I had a little bit of trouble deciding what I would like to focus on for my learning project. I was trying to wrack my brain for any new useful skill that I would enjoy investing my time into, as well as something that I would continue to come back to as I move throughout my next stages of life. Ukulele? Can’t think of anyone close who owns one. Learn ASL? Seems like a popular topic.
Then, I thought to myself: what’s a skill I already have that I could expand on? In 2020 during quarantine, I picked up baking as a hobby to pass the time while everybody was on lockdown. I’m not what you call a ‘pro chef’, but I did get a handle on a couple of things. I fell out of the habit after quarantine ended, and the learning project is a perfect opportunity to get back into it!
To help me achieve my goal of becoming the next Gordon Ramsey, I came across an AI- generated website that will come up with a variety of recipes. All I need to do is type a recipe idea or a list of ingredients into the search engine, and the program’s AI will generate a brand new recipe idea for me to try. The website (which is also available on iOS and Android) is called DishGen, and I have included a screenshot of the main page in the blog post.

I’m going to strive for one new dish per week to keep up with the weekly posts for this learning project. Stay tuned to find out what I cook up!
Side note: Yes, the Gordon Ramsey comment was satirical, haha.
Hi Jelisa,
This is a very cool idea! I am looking forward to seeing what you make and getting some great recipes from you. This is also an awesome resource! I sometimes have trouble coming up with things to make for supper, so this will be handy! Thank you for sharing, and I am excited to see everything you will bake!
Hello Jelisa, I am looking forward to seeing what recipes this AI generated app will provide you. I am curious to know if the recipes will be good enough to keep or if the app will come up with some questionable dishes. I have never heard of AI generated recipes before so I am looking forward to seeing your journey with this.
Amazing! Cooking has been way for me to relax and have fun trying out new recipes. However, I have not tried baking before, so it is an unfamiliar territory to me. I look forward to seeing the results of your baking journey in this project