Blog Post #3 Our We Using Technology Too Much?

I am of the age where I have always seen cell phones, they may have been flip phones and blackberries but they were still cell phones. I grew up learning how to type in class and how to use word, excelpowerpoint, and all of our other favorites. I have learned almost all of my schooling with the help of technology. I have learned to cite work from any website I wanted but never learned how to cite from a book. I see how technology is very helpful and has helped our society grow in many ways, but I also see how it has affected our society. I don’t have all of the answers and would be lying if I said I could give up technology cold turkey. I do know if our answers won’t be found by going cold turkey with technology, but I don’t think the answers will be found in technology alone. 

Call me an old soul, but I think there is merit in keeping technology limited in the classroom. I don’t know if limited is the best word because I do think new ways of technology and learning should be in the classroom but so should old ways. As a child who grew up with the rise of technology, I feel the effects. I look back on my schooling and wish we learned outside more or had more hands-on experiences. Technology will always be in the classroom and I have no problem with that. We need to be teaching what is present, but I think we need to use it in moderation. Maybe not even moderation but with good intent behind it, not just looking up things on google but using it to connect with people or places we can’t meet or see in person. As Michael Wesch says in An anthropological introduction to YouTube “It’s not just about information but it’s actually about linking people and it’s about linking people in ways that we’ve never been linked before.” (Wesch,00:06:33-00:55:33). The idea of using the internet and technology in this way is not new but I think it gives a different light as a way of thinking in the classroom.  

I know technology is going to be in my life forever and I do use it everyday, but I still have the fear that technology is being overused. 


Wesch, Micheal “An anthropological introduction to YouTube”, July 26, 2008,

2 thoughts on “Blog Post #3 Our We Using Technology Too Much?

  1. Hi Jesa,

    I couldn’t agree with your post more. Most of my schooling was done with no technology and I learned to type on an actual typewriter if you can believe that. I do think we need to find the balance of ensuring our students have digital literacy in order to be able to function in our world while also giving them the learning and experiences that can only come from feeling and experiencing the world first hand rather than from a screen.

  2. Hey Jesa,
    Technology is definitely something that is scary! I was exposed to the same thing as you at a young age and seeing the evolution of cellphones progress. I can remember when I got my first phone, it was a cute Samsung Eco that was green. It just blows my mind how early kids are getting their first phone. There has been a few situations that I have seen kids as early as grade 1 having a phone.

    As new teachers, I truly believe that teaching digital literacy is very important and students understanding the effects of influencing from the internet. Although we cannot control on what students do outside of school. It is still important for them to understand to develop a healthy relationship with technology and using online platforms.

    Just curious what do you think teaching is going to look like in 20 years? Do you think that students will have laptops and doing most work online? or do you think we are going to use less?

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