Hour of Code

Hour of Code

I found Hour of Code to be so fun and a great stepping stone into the world of coding. To start my journey on Hour of Code I was brought to the learn page where there were hundreds of different types of learning activities that were all designed for children. Well, doing a quick look through I found many learning activities that I knew my little sister would absolutely love. Having a wide range of topics is a great way to help get students engaged. Students will be more likely to want to give their full attention when they have the choice of what they are doing. 


I choose to learn some new coding skills with the T-rex Hour of Coding. This specific learning activity because it reminded me of the game that came up on Safari when there was no internet connection. The little game of theScreen Shot 2024-03-22 at 6.07.50 PMjumping over the cactus brought back members of my childhood. That being said I had a deeper meaning well I was doing the learning active. 


Now, lets get into the things I learned today. Well going through the active I go to make a loop to keep the t-rex moving and music playing. After I made the loop I had the chance to learn how to make the T-rex Jump when I pressed the space bar. Then I learned how to create a loop to randomly generate cactus that were obstacles for the T-rex to jump over. I then learned how to add nosies for when I collected coins, jumped and when the game ended. Within learning how to add noise I learned how to create a end to the game when he T-rex crashed into a cactus. The next step taught me how to create a loop that increased my score everytime I collected a coin. Then I got the chance to customize the colours of the game. 


Overall this experience was awesome and helped me gain some useful knowledge about coding. I found that the website was super user friendly and student friendly. I felt that the website was made for students. This type of website is important to have available for students who may have an interest or to help students find a interest.

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