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Category: ECE 200

Reflective Responses: Summary

Reflective Responses: Summary

For ECE 200, I was tasked with reading and composing responses to a variety of readings related to early childhood development. Below is a summary of each reflective response and links to the original blog posts: Reflective Response #1 Reflecting on Vygotsky’s Theory of Learning and Cognitive Development I share my experience of learning to drive with my Dad and critically explain this experience using Vygotsky’s Theory of Learning and Cognitive Development. View here. Reflective Response #2 Developing Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy…

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Exploring Trauma

Exploring Trauma

In Chapters 15-17 of In Search of April Raintree by Beatrice Mosionier, the protagonist April Raintree is forced to face her lifetime filled with traumatic experiences. Below are my connections for these chapters: Text to Self In Search of April Raintree is challenging to read because of its close relationship to reality. When reading April Raintree I was reminded of many hardships that I have faced in my life and the hardships that those I love have faced as well….

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Exploring Identity & Sense of Self

Exploring Identity & Sense of Self

In Chapters 8-14 of In Search of April Raintree by Beatrice Mosionier, the protagonist April Raintree experiences adulthood and searches for her identity. Below are my connections for these chapters: Text to Self When reading Chapters 8-14 of In Search of April Raintree, I was reminded of the struggles of young adulthood. As a young adult myself, I know how complicated it can be trying to figure out your identity. Personally, trying to understand who I am and what I…

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Exploring Childhood & Adolescence

Exploring Childhood & Adolescence

In Chapters 1-7 of In Search of April Raintree, the reader experiences childhood and adolescence from the viewpoint of the protagonist April Raintree. Below are my connections to In Search of April Raintree: Text to Self When reading In Search of April Raintree, I found myself admiring April and Cheryl’s relationship. Their relationship reminded me a lot of my relationship with my sisters. As the oldest sibling, I find my self assuming a protector role and it is often a…

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Reflecting on Kohlberg’s & Gilligan’s Theories of Moral Development

Reflecting on Kohlberg’s & Gilligan’s Theories of Moral Development

We all make mistakes, and as we age and gain more experiences we learn how to make morally guided decisions. Two major contributors to the theories on how we develop morality are Lawrence Kohlberg and Carol Gilligan. Kohlberg contributed to moral development theory by: Proposing three levels and six stages of moral development. These levels and stages are the following: Level I: Preconventional Morality Stage I: Punishment-Avoidance and Obedience Stage II: Exchange of Favours Level II: Conventional Morality Stage III:…

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Developing Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy & a Self-Concept

Developing Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy & a Self-Concept

An incredible aspect of being human is having an immense awareness of one’s self. We define ourselves based on various characteristics and beliefs to separate who we are from the surrounding world. In Principles of Educational Psychology, Ormod, Saklofske, and Schwean discuss how students develop a sense of self. In the text, there are three main concepts involved in the development of sense of self: self-concept, self-esteem, and Self-Efficacy. Self Concept: One’s perceptions of, and beliefs about oneself. Self-Esteem: Judgements…

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Reflecting on Vygotsky’s Theory of Learning and Cognitive Development

Reflecting on Vygotsky’s Theory of Learning and Cognitive Development

An important part of learning is to develop new skills that can help us solve problems and become active participating members of society that are capable of sharing ideas and invoking positive change in the world. Lev Vygotsky’s theoretical perspective of learning and cognitive development pays close attention to the social perspective of developing new skills. Vygotsky suggests that learning from more competent individuals is an essential part of cognitive development. So, how can we apply Vygotsky’s theory to our…

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