Literacy Lesson (Pre-Internship)

Lesson Description:

This lesson will introduce different texts from various traditions which fall under the theme of “becoming as one” or “working together”.

What went well during the lesson:

  • The students respond very well to the questions and activities.
  • Most students are actively writing their thoughts and/or doodling appropriate responses on the paper provided for them.
  • Students respond well during their listening and viewing activities.

What can be improved:

  • Sense of space: We did not get to do the sharing circle in class because of lack of space. If I was to do this lesson again, we would probably go into a field and sit on the grass for our sharing circle.
  • Planning on the spot could be improved.

All One People | Joseph Naytowhow

About | Joseph Naytowhow

KEEPERS OF THE EARTH, YES WE ARE! Song for ENVIRONMENT🌴🦋🌱 by Centuple Resource Centre & SEFAAI (

You can view the PDF version of the lesson below:

Responding to Texts Lesson

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