The First Day of Class

January 10th marks the first day of class in ECS401. To be honest, I feel very nervous about this class because not only is it a 400-level class, but it also covers the topic that I am interested in and intrigued about: Assessment.

Poll Guru

The class started by making us join Poll Guru, a software for taking surveys. I found this extremely interesting since I am always looking for alternatives to software that I already know about like Mentimeter, Kahoot, Google Docs, and so on. I found it really useful because I am a student who is why to share my thoughts vocally but excel in writing it. So, having software where I am anonymous but can still participate is a plus. It sucks as a student when there is a participation mark but you must speak up and stand. I know I will have students like me once I become a teacher (and even on Pre-internship), so this is my way of trying to include everybody. I will definitely use this software in the future!

Assessment of Assessment

Another interesting software to use as an assessment tool: Curious Karen. As a student, it makes it very engaging to be assessed this way. It felt like it was a friend asking me questions. It did not feel as though it was an exam that I had to do. Creating software like this is also helpful to save trees (See? I am a naturalist!!) since we are not printing survey questions and giving them to the students to fill up. I found this tool extremely engaging and I will definitely use this as well in my future classes!!

Course Outline Breakdown

This class seems very heavy, but I know it is for our good. As future professional teachers, we must be prepared for what is coming. I know after all of this is done, I will be very relieved that I learned about assessments. I am excited about the dialogue assignment. I believe it will be a great experience to ask someone who works in the education system. I would love to hear their perspectives on the assessment that we provide to students.

Individual Multiple Intelligence

I am overall satisfied with my results on this quiz EXCEPT for one thing: low marks in the naturalistic section. I have always told everyone that I love nature. However, I am surprised that I got a low mark on this section. What is going on? well, the questions do not align with my views. I love nature, but it does not mean I love fishing and/or even care to have a garden. One of my goals in life is to become a Geologist alongside being a teacher. I love observing nature but I am mostly on rocks and natural disasters. So, I believe the naturalistic section did not really represent me as a naturalistic person. Assessment-wise, I like this quiz, I think it is a fun way to start the class and get to know everybody. I will keep a copy of this quiz and will use it in the future. By the way, here is the result of my quiz:

Class Community Multiple Intelligence

I am shocked at how similar ECS401 is with their multiple intelligence quiz results. And it seemed like all of us were not represented enough in the naturalistic section. It is extremely fascinating how similar we all think. It will be so interesting to know what my future students’ results will be for this quiz!!

My Growth Mindset

I am not surprised by this result. I am a strong believer that we are always improving day by day. We are only getting wiser every day. It is not too late to learn new skills. It is not a bad thing to just learn how to learn an instrument by the age of 21. I am a strong believer that if we are really determined to try new things and learn new things, we will achieve. Whatever we achieve at the end may or may not matter, but the experience it gave along the way is the true achievement. Lastly, I am a strong believer that more knowledge is better than no knowledge, so let us learn every day!


This is the start of my assessment journey, and I am learning so much already. The symbol that I created is a ladder. The ladder will represent the start of my journey towards mastering assessments. I am looking forward for what this course will entail.

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