My Feeds are Being Fed with Feedly
When I first read RSS Reader I thought to myself, what the heck is that! Now that I have a Feedly account I finally understand.
The first step after signing up for Feedly was to began looking through the educational technology sources. I myself decided to read the descriptions of each source as well as looking at their content before making the commitment to follow. I also found it important to view the amount of content posted in a week/month because personally I want as many resources as possible. One thing that did not matter much to me was the followers, I guess for some the amount of followers would make it appear better but for me this was not something that persuaded me. For now I have decided to focus on EdTeach sources but when I am feeling less overwhelmed I will branch out to other categories.
One of the sources I found specifically interesting was, Free Technology for Teachers which is a blog designed to support teachers with free resources that can be utilized in the classroom. There is also an option to sign up for a newsletter to help improve lessons, student engagement and teaching strategies. One of Free Technology for Teachers blog posts I found particularly useful was Ten Tips for Using Audio & Video in Google Slides. This is useful to me because as a student and pre-service teacher I find myself using google slides a lot yet have a very poor understanding about all it has to offer. This resource not only provides tips but also a video that demonstrates and goes through the process of using audio and video in google slides. Which for me was amazing because I am definitely one that has to follow along visually.
One of the other blog posts I enjoyed was Ideas for Connecting with Families Remotely which was provided by Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator (who I follow on Feedly). This post offers many ideas and resources that teachers can use to remotely connect with families. I found this one relevant because with the unknown of Covid-19 we never know when classrooms will be forced to go online again. Teaching online means it is that much more important to remain in contact with parents in order to support our online students. This blog post is useful because even when we are teaching in person it is important to keep open communication with our students families. Not all families have time or opportunity to come into the school to talk about their child so offering communication remotely will make the relationship that much stronger.

Hello Julie.
I also started off my Feedly by focusing on educational technologies. I really enjoyed the post you shared ” Ideas For Connecting with Families Remotely”. It was a super helpful article that provided various resources. This article really relates to me because the school I currently work at as an EA is going online learning for the next 2 weeks so I will show some of these ideas to the fellow teachers. Thanks for sharing this great resource.
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