Course Profile:Understanding Geometrical Shape( Grade 4)

This is the course profile I prepared with Shivali. We did it together by sharing our screen on Zoom.

Overview and Course Description:

It will be a preparatory course for students in elementary school. In my course, students will investigate and learn about geometrical shapes. My aim is to provide the students with a deep understanding of diverse geometrical shapes. As an educator, It’s crucial to provide students with the chance to investigate both regular and irregular shapes. Teachers need to be familiar with the characteristics of 2D and 3D shapes and the connection between body, structure, and function. 

Targeted Population( Age, Grade, ender):

For this learning, the students of grade 4 are the intended student audience for this subject. Their age ranges from 6- 12. At this age, children start observing the surroundings and start questioning the different shapes of the objects. Here we will prepare 3 different programs that support students to become aware of shapes and start knowing the basic difference among the different geometrical shapes. 

Course Timeline:

The course will span at least 4 weeks. The instructor will need to be adaptable when presenting the course material and assess their audience to determine whether some topics require more or less attention or whether certain students are finding it difficult to keep up with their learning and tasks. Additionally, because this course supplements what the students are currently studying in other subject areas, the teacher may need to modify deadlines and coursework to meet the needs of the students.

Course Format (Online/ Blended/ Synchronous, Asynchronous):

The main objective of this course is to create an asynchronous learning environment where students can advance their knowledge and learn more efficiently. Additionally, there must be some synchronous engagement such as debates, question-and-answer sessions, and group discussions so that students may conveniently access their course materials in an asynchronous mode as well as so they can effectively summarize their learning. This course is specially designed for both in-person and online instruction by considering the characteristics of flipped classrooms to encourage the mixed learning approach. This course also helps students in understanding the learning assessment, written descriptions, and video explanations related to their course which is the primary aim of this approach. Also, the students will be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses through self-evaluation, set goals for themselves, and show proficient organizational skills. I usually prefer technology while teaching, because it is something the students can be proud of, enhancing their self-efficacy. It keeps them in tune with what is going on in the classroom at all times by holding them accountable. 

Toolset for the course:

Google Classroom will be my major platform here. I am quite familiar with it but still need to know it in more depth so that I can use it in a more efficient way for the good shake of my students. I will use some instructional videos along with assigned homework and activities. Moving further, the instructional tools I am using here are online notes in pdf format, PPT notes, and some images with guided discussion. In addition to this, I prefer to use Kahoot as this application is user-friendly and Mentimeter enhances the skills of my students and makes my class more interactive and engaging. Moreover, I’ll use WebEx sessions and  Jam boards to facilitate conversation and discussion among the students and allow them to share their opinions. Further, I will speak with my pupils in break-out rooms and find out if they are having any difficulties with their academics. Likewise, I will provide them with direct feedback so they feel more at ease discussing their concerns with me. Also, if they are more comfortable meeting me in person, I may invite them to do so. 


Nowadays, all students who are participating in this course are having access to technologies like laptops and computers. Regina, the capital of Saskatchewan, consists of a diverse population due to which there is huge diversification among the targeted population. In addition, not everyone has equal access to technology, increasing the population’s variety. Because of this, the student population may vary, but the majority of them can readily access the technology, and those who have trouble accessing it can still use it in the classroom. 

Course objective: 

The learning outcomes included in the Saskatchewan Grade 4 Math Curriculum are intended to be addressed every day through the asynchronous, blended learning environment of this course. Students will be able to define the characteristics of two- and three-dimensional figures in this course using the relevant geometric vocabulary. Additionally, they will be able to identify, describe, and investigate the characteristics of geometric solids. Students will then recognize geometric solids in their surroundings. When teaching students new content, it’s crucial to employ a variety of supplemental materials to help students understand the concepts. I would use real-life objects visual aids, and drawings when instructing the task. These educational tools will make it easier for all students to understand the curriculum, especially ESL students.

The Saskatchewan Curriculum’s mentioned outcomes will serve as the basis for this course’s preparation and instruction and the SSS4.2 and SS4.3 curricula provide outcomes and questions for deeper understanding to guide instruction.

Show that you are aware of line symmetry by:

  • Recognizing 2-D symmetrical forms.
  • Identifying 2-D objects that are symmetrical.
  • Creating a 2-D shape with one or more symmetry lines.
  • Realizing that space is measured in squares
  • Identifying shared characteristics between several geometrical designs
  • Building models utilizing various geometric forms

 Indicators for this outcome

  • Identify the square as the most effective unit for measuring area, and explain why.
  • Give a square meter reference and explain your decision.
  • Identify the standard square unit that a referent represents.
  • Calculate a 2-D shape’s area using your own referents.
  • Explain the method used to calculate the area of a standard 2-D shape.
  • Create a rectangle with the specified area.
  • Draw at least two alternative rectangles using the same area to demonstrate and Demonstrate how more than one rectangle is possible.

.Course material:

The course material used here is according to the grade of the student. Additionally, Students can construct patterns, practice rotating shapes, and sort various forms with the use of pattern blocks. The ability to see patterns is crucial for critical thinking and analysis, and it can aid students in discovering connections between various ideas. In fact, geometry can offer fantastic hands-on exercises to keep your young primary kids interested. Shapes and lines are the foundation of geometry, and young students may easily understand those. Also, we can increase the student’s understanding of shapes so that they can use what they already know to create larger and more complex shapes. Learning shape is usually beyond the course material because shapes are more easily understandable by observing them from the surroundings. So I will prefer audio/visual aids to introduce geometrical shapes to my students. I will motivate them to recognize the shapes by providing basic definitions to them like, A circle has no corners or sides, Three sides and three corners make up a triangle, Four sides and four square corners make up a rectangle, or A rectangle whose sides are all the same length is called a square. 

Assessment methods:

Assessment is the most important factor to evaluate the progress of our students or I can say the most effective sort of evaluation for raising student comprehension and performance is known as formative assessment. This can be brought into practice by the use of Ka hoot, Mentimeter, Google Classroom Questions, google forms, Google meet up, google chat, and jam Board. The final project will serve as the summative assessment by generating one final report. In addition to this, as an instructor, the feedback will be delivered orally or in written form. We will use graphical representation also to represent the progress of students monthly. Once a month, we can arrange alternative meetings with their parents and also some time in person or face-to-face so that we Can discuss their ward progress more efficiently. 

Special considerations:

 Access to technology at home and school: If a student does not have access to technology at home, they may use school time to finish their work or, if they are going to be away from school for an extended amount of time, they may borrow technology. Additionally, to provide students more time to interact with technology, flexible scheduling should be implemented in schools.  

 WIFI: For some of our families, getting access to WIFI could be difficult. If children don’t have access to a hotspot, the internet, or WIFI at home, propose that they use the local library or look into alternative ways that the school district might assist them.

EAL learners: Some learners will require subtitles and a combination of instruction and visuals in order to make the knowledge relevant, so it is important to support students who are English language learners in the best way possible. Moreover, we may instruct students on how to utilize Google Translate and provide them with enough time to finish their coursework.

Attendance of students: Because the course is taught using a blended method, students who are not in class but have access to technology and the internet can still work on their education at their own pace. Scheduling video meetings, chat sessions, or email exchanges would be advantageous for students if they find it difficult to attend the classes

The following sheet should be given to the students to provide an outline for
organizing their thoughts on their goals.


1) I am studying Math’s ______________________


2) My strengths in math include _____________________________


3) My weaknesses in math include ___________________________

4) The things I plan to improve upon our _______________________

About Jyoti

I am doing Master of Education in curriculum and instruction.
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