EDTC 300,  Learning Project

Practicing a Conversation using ASL!!!

This week I used two new technologies. I used Movie Zilla to record my video. I loved this program! I found it very easy to use and I loved that you can record videos right through the application. Before this one I downloaded a couple other video editing programs and they are just meant for you to edit previous recorded videos. This might work for some people, but I found it nice not to have to transfer video clips from my phone to my computer. Another amazing feature was that you can record your screen, your webcam, or just audio.  My only complaint is that because I do not pay for this service they add a watermark when I export it. I understand why they do this, but it does make it more difficult to what is going on behind the banner.

To learn more American Sign Language I used an app called Marlee Signs. I talked a bit about this app on my first blog post, but have not hadAn Apple app store page for the app Marlee Signs the chance to use it yet. I talk about my thoughts on this app in the video, but I really enjoyed using it. I found it very easy to use and I love knowing that I am learning from someone that is deaf because she will know all the rules and grammar pieces that must be followed. It also ensures that the signs are correct and are not being made up or misinterpreted by hearing people. I enjoyed that all of the things that she teaches are things that I am able to utilize right away. Some apps that are meant to teach another language start in random places that make it hard to stay motivated because you do not feel that you have learned anything useful.

Overall, I am very excited about my progress this week. My goal was to be able to have an introductory conversation with someone using ASL. I think after this week I am in a pretty good position to do this! I did have a couple of struggles this week that I explain at the end of my video, however I do not think that any of these were major struggles. One struggle that I did not mention was that I found it hard to remember my ASL grammar when asking questions. I am supposed to raise my eyebrows when I ask a question. I found it difficult to remember because I was more focused on doing the signs correctly. I am hopeful that this will become easier with more practice because I will feel more confident in my abilities.

Thank you for watching! I would love some suggestions for more websites or apps to help me learn ASL or some phrases that you might think would be important for someone to know!


  • Maddie

    Hey Karley!
    I really enjoyed your video for this week and the update you provided. ASL has always interested me, so watching your conversation today was really intriguing!
    You’re doing so well!
    Look forward to seeing your update next week.

  • Kylee

    Hi Karley,

    I like the breakdown review you gave of the app you used to record and the ASL app. I try to practice ASL occasionally and so I’m always looking for new apps to test out. Thank you for sharing!

  • Cheryl Bratton

    Hi Karley

    I enjoyed watching your video and found the information you gave about the signing app and video app very informative. I also really appreciated what you said in your post regarding why you chose the signing app you did as it shows you really took the time to think about learning sign and the value that comes from learning it from someone who is deaf and uses it as their main mean of communication. Very insightful.

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