Hello! I’m Kendra Saworski, and I am a first-year Bachelor of Elementary Education After Degree Student. I completed my first degree this past year in a Bachelor of Health and Physical Education, where I majored in Physical Literacy. I originally had intended to become a Physiotherapist. As a child I found myself captivated by the world of physical rehabilitation. It was during my degree, where I took the vast majority of my courses in the education program (all with a physical education focus) that my plans for my life had shifted. During that time I found I had become deeply passionate about teaching. I found I had completely changed every plan or idea I had arranged in my mind. I now find myself beginning this new journey and I truly am excited to learn new things, expand on my current knowledge, and dive into the world of Elementary Education!
I am a recent newlywed and I love the ability to live life with my person! I am also a dog mom to two amazing Pitbull puppies who are almost 2 (Apollo) and 7 months old (Zeus), and they keep my life crazy busy. The more you get to know me, the more I talk about my dogs. My life consists of training for competitive rally obedience with my youngest dog, physical therapy for my oldest (for double ACL tears in his back legs), school, and work! I currently work as an Exercise Therapist at a physiotherapy clinic, and a Personal Trainer for F45 Lakewood in Saskatoon, while I complete my schooling. I have loved working at F45 (it’s been 4 years), the group fitness setting has infectious levels of energy, and I find being able to help people develop a love for personal wellness is inspiring. Although I would love to start working in a school setting!

My current passions still surround physical rehabilitation, health, well-being, and inclusiveness, but are now combined with a drive to develop the students of today. It is my goal to incorporate my knowledge of fundamental skills and movement into my teaching to help students become active, confident individuals! Especially, with the hope of developing their love for learning.
In regards to my blogging and educational technology background, I am entirely new to this experience. I am beyond grateful for all the guidance I have received to help prepare my blog. I look forward to building my online presence, and to also share this journey with all of you!
Thank you for taking the time to get to know me. I cannot wait for the opportunity to connect with others who share a passion for education and personal growth as an educator!