Screen Time Confessions: My Daily Usage and Habits

January 30, 2024 0 By Kylee Hulm

I will admit that I easily get sucked into watching TikTok or scrolling some form of social media daily. I find my phone the first thing I reach for when I’m bored if I’m not already on it. Some of the apps I use most include Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok. I also like to keep a couple of games on my phone, such as Hay Day, Pokemon Go, and Candy Crush, that I play occasionally. However, I also use my phone for productivity reasons as well. I find my life gets hectic easily balancing being a full-time student and maintaining two jobs. So I rely on my phone to keep my life organized by using Google Calendar. Although I have an iPhone I like how user-friendly Google Calendar is for me to set up and use. My favourite feature is the ability to colour-code my calendars so I can distinguish between work, school, and personal events. Other productivity apps I use include Gmail, my banking apps, WhatsApp, SHIFTR, UR Courses, UR Webmail, and others. 

Most of my daily tech use is primarily for leisure and social interaction, but I also use productivity apps daily. I know I could do a better job limiting my screen time as I know it consumes a lot of my time. However, being in online courses also adds to how much I use technology daily. I attached a photo of my screen time from last week, and seeing the numbers so large is not a great feeling, but I have to remind myself that some of that time was used for productivity. As you can tell from the games category being so high I’m definitely in my farming game phase again. I still have to work on being more productive without technology, but it can be challenging sometimes in a society that relies on technology so much. 

Screenshot of weekly screen time