Navigating the Digital Landscape: EDTC 300 Summary of Learning
Hi, everyone. I cannot believe it’s already the end of the term! This semester flew by so quickly, and I learned so much. One of our final assignments is to reflect on everything we learned throughout the semester in a short summary. Before you view the video below, I want to say that when I…
Connected Learning: Reflecting on My Networked Learning
Throughout the semester, we were encouraged to participate in discussions with our classmates, answer questions during class and in the classroom Discord, and actively engage with our classmates’ weekly blog posts and learning journeys. I made an effort to engage with my peers as often as I could, both in class and outside of class.…
Unraveling My Semester: My Crochet Semester in Review
Hi everyone, welcome to my 11th and final crochet learning post blog. At the start of the semester, we were asked to choose a skill, hobby, or anything our heart desired to learn by using online resources. I took this as an opportunity to finally learn how to crochet because I had seen videos all…
Tech Talk: A Closer Look at Magic School’s AI
This week, we were challenged to find and test an AI tool. As someone who hasn’t used AI tools too much besides ChatGPT, I decided to look around at the different options and ultimately try out Magic School AI. We touched on this AI tool in class, and it intrigued me. The website provided an…
Elevate Your Crochet Game: The Magic of Blocking
Hi everyone, welcome back to my crochet learning project blog. I have an awaited update on my crochet blanket, but it’s not what I hoped to give. After the previous weeks of my project, which were going great and looking like the attached photo from week 9, I had an unexpected issue. When I moved…
Digital Footprint: Reflections on the Trails We Leave Online
This past week in class, we discussed many topics revolving around cyber-shaming, digital footprints, and more. My mom had strict rules around technology in our household, specifically with social media, because she wanted to ensure I wouldn’t make any mistakes I would regret or get in trouble. I’m happy to say that all her talks…
Shaping Critical Thinkers: Educating for Digital Literacy in the Era of Misinformation
Teaching students about digital literacy and how to spot fake news has become increasingly important in today’s society. We rely on technology daily to keep social, find quick answers to questions, do homework, book appointments, and so much more. The younger generation is growing up with readily available technology, so it’s important to continue to…
Wrapped in Progress: Blanket Update and Two Skills Stitched into Success!
Welcome back, my fellow crochet enthusiasts. After a short break last week from my crochet blanket content, I thought I would provide an update on my blanket progress and share two new skills I learned while working on my blanket. I cannot believe how much my crochet skills have improved during the progression I’ve made…
Weaving Wonders: A Deep Dive into Expanding My Crochet Repertoire
Welcome back to my blog, everyone; I figured since I have been sharing so much progress on my big blanket project the past couple of weeks, I would take a break from that content and share some other crochet content I have been researching and learning. Starting with something called the magic ring. Now for…
Embark on a Cosmic Coding Adventure: An Insider’s Look at NASA’s Space Jam on Hour of Code
Hello, everyone. I wanted to share my experience and thoughts about the Hour of Code website for this week’s post. In class, we were asked to explore the website and try out a coding activity offered there. Before I dive into my experience on the website, I thought I would talk about my experience with…