HYFLEX LEARNING…Is it the Answer for our Students???

HYFLEX LEARNING…Is it the Answer for our Students???

HyFlex provides students the opportunity to attend fully online, fully face-to-face, or somewhere on the spectrum between the two environments depending on personal choice or need. HyFlex is a version of the hybrid model with flexible participation. Asynchronous attendance is participating at a different time while synchronous is participating at the same time.

Pros for Hyflex Learning from a Student Perspective:

*Students are able to customize their education to fit their needs, whether they need a more hands-on, in-person approach or thrive in an asynchronous online environment where they work more independently.

*High anxiety students have the option to stay home and lesson the stressors that school may bring on for them

*Teachers may see an increase in students participation levels due to the different avenues for sharing their thoughts and ideas

*During a pandemic students can continue to learn in a safe environment if they do not feel comfortable attending face to face learning

Cons for Hyflex Learning from a students perspective:

*May see an increase in student disengagement

*Students are missing out on social interactions

*May increase their feelings of isolation

*Lack of proper technology

*Lack of intrinsic motivation to engage and complete the learning

*Some students would not have the supports at home to help them

The HyFlex model will not work for all students…

Is this a feasible model for learning or just a trend of the moment?

From the perspective of an administrator of a vulnerable school where the majority of our students are scoring at least 7 out 10 on the ACE’s questionnaire (Adverse Childhood Experiences questionnaire) this model of learning would not be beneficial to our students. Our students need to make connections with people outside of their homes. Some of our families struggle to put food on the table, how are they suppose to afford the technology to support this model? Our students in our school come to feel supported, loved, fed, clothed and supported through crisis’. In some situations we are their escape from their reality.

I believe this model will stick around and become more popular with some students, but I struggle with this becoming the be all end all model for teaching. So many students need the day to day interactions and positive connections that face to face learning enables.

For more information about ACE’s please see below.


One thought on “HYFLEX LEARNING…Is it the Answer for our Students???

  1. Hi Lindsey,
    Thank you for your informative post about Hyflex learning! You gave a helpful description and presented some very legitimate concerns. When I think of schools located in areas with a low social-economic status , I agree with your concerns. Many of these students need their basic needs met before they can learn. Face to face interactions are often necessary to meet these needs. Building relationships and making students feel safe tends to be much easier in person.

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