Summary of Learning

The purpose of EDTC 300 is to “examine the use of technology and media in teaching and learning as well as the transformative effects that emerging digital tools/networks have on school and society. The course provides an experiential approach to learning about technology integration while helping students critically reflect on the implications of our digital reality” (Hildebrandt, 2022).

To facilitate our learning, we were tasked with exploring different digital tools, social media platforms, pedagogical approaches and technological models. For the purpose of this presentation, I have divided these tasks into my Learning Project, Blog Posts & Comments, Twitter, Readings and Resources Discussed, and I will end with my Final Thoughts.

For my learning project, I decided to learn how to garden. I wanted to pursue gardening for a variety of reasons. For one, this past winter I moved into my house which came with a large garden plot in the backyard that I couldn’t just leave empty. Two, both my mom and grandma have been huge gardeners throughout my life so I wanted to try out becoming a green thumb like them. And three, I wanted to see if I could actually grow my own food and see if I could make my lifestyle a bit more sustainable and environmentally conscious. In order to assist my learning, I utilized a variety of digital resources including websites, videos, articles, and social media content. I found that I ended up preferring print resources that were accompanied by pictures or media. Overall, I am very proud of the growth I made as well as how my garden turned out. This is definitely something I will continue doing year after year as I find gardening so rewarding being able to see tangible growth each week.

To share the progress, we made during our learning projects, we were tasked with creating a digital portfolio where we would post weekly blogs. Each week I would share and reflect on the various digital resources I used to deepen my knowledge on gardening. I was also able to reflect on different topics discussed during class and make connections to both my personal life and the educational system. My blog also allowed me to connect with my peers and begin to develop a personal learning network by commenting and engaging with everyone’s blog posts and learning projects. Through this process I was able to learn proper blog etiquette, trouble shoot tech problems, and overall sharpen some of my technological skills. I believe my blog is a reflection of the type of educator I wish to become and illustrates some of my key learnings throughout the course.  

Twitter was another digital space used to facilitate learning. Prior to this course, I had never used Twitter, so creating an account and being required to contribute to a digital community was quite intimidating. However, throughout the course I have gained confidence and have become more comfortable tweeting, commenting, re-tweeting, sharing resources, and participating in this digital space. As a result of EDTC 300 I have begun to develop a personal learning network, improve my digital identity, and contribute to others learning. I believe the content shared on my Twitter account reflects my own personal values and perspectives and represents the type of person and educator I aim to be. Through using Twitter, I have also come to realize the potential benefits that it could have if utilized in a classroom. As for educators, it allows for professional development, networking opportunities, general support, and greater access to information and sharing of resources. Twitter has directly contributed to my personal learning during EDTC 300.

The last aspect explored during EDTC 300 were different readings and resources. Some of the main concepts that have stuck out to me include Ribble’s nine elements of digital citizenship, the SAMR model, and the importance of digital identity, digital citizenship, and digital literacy; and how all of these topics can be and should be incorporated into the curriculum. We also engaged with a variety of videos that directly impacted my learning. Specifically, the Amanda Todd case emphasized the importance of online safety, Jon Ronson’s Ted Talk discussed cancel culture and how one singular post can have dire effects, as well as the prevalence of fake news and how society is directly impacted by digital trolls and why it is important for tech users to be digitally literate. These resources and readings directly examined the “emerging issues related to technology and media that relate to education and society, including social, ethical, and cultural issues” (Hildebrandt, 2022).

Overall, it is evident the importance technology and media plays in today’s society and the importance for teachers to be educated regarding such topics. Students will be, or in most cases, already are digital citizens. Therefore, it is vital that they understand the risks involved, while also having the appropriate skills and knowledge to successfully utilize digital tools and participate online. This demonstrates the importance of integrating technology into learning environments.

As a result of EDTC 300 I am happy to say that I have grown from being a sole consumer of digital media and have now progressed into also becoming a producer of digital media and information. I have gained deeper understanding and skills in regards to technology and digital tools. Overall, I feel more comfortable and confident using technology and incorporating it into my future classrooms.

Building a Professional Learning Network

Building a professional learning network was extremely useful during my learning project in EDTC 300. Through utilizing virtual spaces, I was able to contribute to the EDTC course community, comment on my peer’s blog posts, share resources and articles, develop a digital identity, and interact with a professional network. I believe as a result I was able to contribute to the learning of others while improving my own learning.

Blog Posts

The first virtual space that I used to contribute to the learning of others was my blog. During the semester I attempted to create engaging blog posts that were filled with useful resources, links, and references to relevant articles. I was intentional with posting my blog posts in a timely manner ensuring that my peers could interact and engage with my posts while the topics and content were still fresh. I was also intentional with including questions and prompts throughout my blog posts that encouraged engagement. I was very appreciative that these questions were always answered in the comments and resulted in deeper learning for myself.

Blog Comments

The second virtual space that I used to contribute to the learning of others was commenting on my peer’s blog posts. Each week I responded to at least 3 of my classmates posts or comments. Each comment I posted provided encouragement, resources, an additional perspective and/or validation to my peers. I also ensured that I included both my name and a link to my blog on each comment to add that additional layer of connection. The comments I received provided motivation to continue with my learning project and validated my experiences; I hope my comments had the same effect for my peers.


The third virtual space that I used to contribute to the learning of others was Twitter. As a completely new Twitter user, this space was easily the most intimidating to conquer. Admittedly, it took me quite some time to get comfortable interacting with other Twitter users and beginning to develop both a PLN and online identity. However, throughout the semester I am proud of the growth I made. As a result of my Twitter account I was able to participate in a Twitter Chat (#SaskEdChat), dabble in the use of hashtags, follow like-minded accounts/users, and share many resources. I was very purposeful in the content I shared, retweeted, liked, and commented on as I wanted to ensure that I was creating a digital identity that reflected my own personal values and perspectives. I believe anyone scrolling through my Twitter account would be able to develop an accurate representation of the type of person and educator I aim to be.

Overview of my Twitter contributions

Final Thoughts

Throughout the duration of the EDTC 300 course, I have been able to contribute to the learning of others via a variety of means. By participating both in class and virtually in multiple online spaces, I have enriched my learning, developed a personal learning network, and contributed to the courses learning community. I will continue to develop both my digital identity and PLN outside of this course and aim to continue to grow as both an educator and digital citizen.

An Overview of Learning How to Garden

The end of the semester means the end of my learning project! During the past seven weeks I have learned so much about gardening and even more about learning online. The weekly blog posts kept me accountable and I am appreciative that they provide a means of measuring my growth and progress throughout my learning project!

Weekly Overview

Week 1: To Grow or Not to Grow

  • Introduction to my learning project
  • Reasoning and explanation of why I chose gardening for my learning project
  • Outline of what I had completed in preparation for the learning project
  • Overview of my next steps

Resources explored: Facebook group, YouTube Video

Week 2: Garden of Weedin’

  • Research, research, research
  • This week I focused on growing my knowledge on gardening

Resources explored: Almanac Website

Week 3: From the Ground Up

  • This week I focused on garden preparation
  • I top-dressed my soil with compost and then re-tilled my garden to mix it all in
  • Soaked pea seeds, prepared my seeding potatoes, and purchased garden tools like trellises and cages for my tomatoes and peppers
  • Continued growing my knowledge via online resources

Resources explored: Shifting Roots Blog, Almanac Website, Growing Guides

Week 4: Learning & Tech: Garden Planner

  • Explored the use of technology in the learning process
  • Reviewed the Almanac’s Garden Planner and provided an extensive review on my thoughts and overall experience
  • Provided a video tutorial on how to use the application

Resources explored: Almanac’s Garden Planner

Week 4: Learning & Tech: Loom

  • In order to share my thoughts on the Garden Planner application, I had to explore an additional tech resource; Loom
  • Provided an extensive review on the screen casting platform and outlined my experience and thoughts

Resource explored: Loom

Week 5: Veggies Loading

  • This was an exciting week as it was the week my garden was officially planted
  • I shared multiple gardening videos from social media sites, specifically Instagram and Tik Tok
  • Outlined my next steps for my gardening journey, including watering, fertilizing, weeding, and harvesting, and provided resources for each step.

Resources explored: Instagram, Tik Tok, Almanac Website, Fine Gardening Website, UF Gardening Solutions, Pick Your Own Website

Videos provided:

Week 6: Labour of Love

  • Tried out YouTube for the first time and posted a time lapse video
  • Provided progress photos of plants (which looking back now grew quite quick!)
  • Focused on land based learning and provided resources regarding how gardening is an excellent means for this
  • Extensively reviewed all resources provided this week

Resources explored: YouTube, Indigenous Land Based Learning Article, The Sheaf Article, Learning from the Land Resource

My Tips to Beginner Gardeners

  • Research, research, research. There are endless resources available to all level of gardeners, and a quick google search will likely provide exactly what you’re looking for. My two favourite resources I utilized while learning about gardening were the Almanac Website and the Shifting Roots Blog.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Throughout this process I leaned on both my mom and grandma who have much more experience and were able to share their knowledge and provide many helpful tips.
  • Map out your garden before you plant! Prior to this learning project I had no idea that certain plants grow better or worse depending on what plants they are beside. It is also important that you leave enough space between rows of veggies so you can maneuver around your garden, whether to weed or harvest. I loved the Garden Planner App for planning my garden, and was very thankful to have a template to refer back to when my veggies were just starting to grow and I forgot what was planted where.
  • Try not to compare your garden to others. I felt like I planted my garden way too late, however, in the end it really didn’t make that big of an impact! While my veggies may not be ready to harvest quite yet, they are right on track for me to have some produce soon!
  • Have patience, water, weed, and watch your veggies grow!

“Gardening may be a fun and relaxing way to get in touch with nature, but did you know that it also has plenty of health benefits? Gardening is an activity that’s good for both the mind and body, and can be enjoyed by people of all ages.”

Julia Haskins

Before and After

Before the Learning ProjectAfter the Learning Project
– Unfamiliar with preparation of seeds
– No experience with blogging
– No concept of what it takes to plant and maintain a garden
– Didn’t know that certain vegetables need to be started indoors many months before transplanting them outside
– No understanding of the role soil nutrition plays in gardening
– Thought once a garden was planted, the hard work was done (this is quite the opposite!)
Comfortable blogging
Knowledge on planting variety of seeds and plants
Knowledge on soil preparation and maintenance
– Knowledge on watering and fertilizing requirements
Specific knowledge on zone 3 gardening
A collection of resources to refer back to in the future and provide to others beginning their gardening journey
Confidence in gardening
Pride in accomplishments thus far

My Key Takeaways from this Learning Project

  1. Online learning is a very prevalent topic, especially following the recent global pandemic and shift to online classes for many. This learning project reinforced that in order for it to be fully successful, online learning requires motivation, persistence, and basic technological skills. Overall, I do believe learning online is an effective way to learn.
  2. This learning project made me realize my preferred methods of online learning. While I assumed I would prefer video resources, I found I actually prefer written or print resources accompanied by pictures or media.
  3. Having a PLN is very effective. Throughout this learning project, I found it very beneficial to have peers commenting and contributing to my learning project and blog posts. Whether it was sharing a resource or just providing some encouragement, it was motivating and validating to hear others perspectives and observations. Learning alongside peers was also motivating and encouraged me to try and make my learning project and subsequent blogs as good as the ones I was engaging with.
  4. Gardening is an excellent way to connect with nature and is something that is attainable for many. I believe gardening is a cost effective hobby as it requires little to get started, and will allow you to save money on groceries once the veggies begin to grow. Personally, I was able to plant my entire garden, purchase seeds, fertilizer, trellises, and tomato cages all for under $50.
  5. Can anyone learn anything? Maybe. But we must consider the accessibility of tools and resources required in the learning process. Specifically, for online learning, digital access is a huge factor which decides who will be successful in learning a new skill. If you’re not able to fully participate and access digital tools, then the level of knowledge gained will be limited. Money can also be a large factor deciding what skills can be learned. For example, while learning how to play an instrument would be awesome, it would require owning or having access to said instrument. Gardening is not an expense free skill/hobby, however, it provides unlimited opportunity for a variety of budgets to try gardening out.