As I sit at my desk marking final exams I’m certainly glad to report that our internet services are back up and running. The last week with students will be stress free. Technology in education is a wonderful opportunity that truly can enhance learning, creativity and allow many teachers to be more productive. However, when it’s not working or there simply isn’t enough to go around it truly is more of a headache. It has been a pleasure to hear so many different perspectives from my classmates of EC&I 830 this spring session. If I have solved anything – I am not a great debater – much more of a fence sitter.

black and white boys children curiosity
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As we continue to embed new technologies into our classrooms I truly believe it’s okay to learn and respect those that came before us. There is a time and place for pen and paper. Our final thoughts put together in video format from Bret, Reid and myself – Enjoy!