Welcome to my blog. I am super excited that you are here!
My name is Paige Hamann and I am currently a second year Secondary Education student majoring in Social Studies and minoring in English. Bring on all the social justice!
Here are some fun facts about me:

- I am the Founder and President of a mental health non-Profit organization.
- My favourite colour is pink, but I have really been digging earthy colours recently
- My family names our dogs after Blue Jays players. We currently have a one year old dog named Buehrle J.A (after Mark Buehrle and J.A Happ)
- I have always wanted to start a blog but was too anxious (this is a fabulous excuse to overcome a fear)
Yes, I was scared to start a blog… I know it sounds silly, but as someone with severe social anxiety I was terrified of what people would think! Would people even read it? What if I ran out of things to write about? What if people think I’m weird? “What ifs” can be deadly.
However, Edtc 300 is making me say sayonara to my fear of creating a blog. So instead of simply drowning in my anxiety and resenting this course, I have decided to embrace my “what ifs”. What if people actually like the things I write? What if this method of writing and communication is an amzing outlet for me? What if this blog helps me to make connections with other educators? Most importantly, what if this blog helps me to overcome my other fears? It’s all about perspective.
I think educational technology is one of the coolest tools ever! In a few months, I can definitely see myself being a edtc nerd… but I am more than okay with that! People today are more immersed in technology than ever before, and it only makes sense for educators to take advantage of that.
Although elements of technology have been present through the entirety of my education, I only started to appreciate the extent of it in eighth grade. My grade eight teacher really appreciated technology and so our classroom dove right in. We actively used twitter in our classroom, and we even planned an entire field trip to downtown Regina via Twitter. Our class really learned how to communicate with our community in safe and meaningful ways.
I feel that although technology was definitely used in my schools, it was not used to its full potential, and that is totally okay! I do not feel that I missed out on anything because technology was not omnipresent in my classroom. That being said, if I can learn how to utilise technology to grow as an educator and engage my students, then I am absolutely on board!
Thanks for reading & joining me on this journey!