My Learning Project Summary

I am so thankful that I was able to work on this project throughout EDTC300. Otherwise, it would have been kicked to the curb until I had more time. And let’s be honest… I never have enough time.

I know I was not able to actually finish the course, but I made so much progress! It will be way quicker and easier for me to complete the rest of the modules now that I have already created one. And no the relationships module is not quite finished yet either, but I have done everything I can until I get the audio file. Once the voice over is on the presentation everything is going to look amazing. I seriously cannot wait.

This class has provided me with so many skills that have allowed me to create an online course and be comfortable doing so. I never would have thought that I would be capable of something like this– I have never thought of myself as tech savvy.

Maybe one day you will even be a participant in my course.

Thank you so much for following along.

Take care of yourself.


The End

Somehow we have made it to the end of this course, which I am really sad about.

Because we learned so many amazing things this semester we made a summary of learning. I am really lucky that I was able to collaborate with my classmates Kara and Brandon. We had so much fun while connecting to make this project.

Thank you Katia for everything this semester. I cannot wait to continue my journey in EDTC further down the road.

Thanks for following along this semester!

Stay safe and healthy.


An Online Connection

Well my friends, it seems as if we have reached the end of the semester and it it time to reflect!

I have absolutely loved every second of this course, especially throughout the pandemic. I have really been missing the social aspect of school and being able to connect with other education students, but because of our networked learning this semester, I feel a little bit more connected to my classmates. even though we have not been face to face.

I am thankful that this course has encouraged me to start making professional connections. If I am being honest, it is definitely a little scary trying to create a professional network as a student early on in the program. But, this course has pushed me outside of my comfort zone and I am now getting comfortable being uncomfortable (which I am really grateful for).

Throughout the semester, we were encouraged to contribute to the learning of others. We did this mostly by commenting on blog posts, interacting on Twitter, and using our class Slack group. It was great interacting with each other and creating that connection. It definitely helped ease the lack of face to face connection. Here is a document that has some of my interactions with classmates and others!

I used Slack to ask questions and help my classmates if they had questions! I really enjoyed using Slack because it is a professional way to communicate in a group. I really appreciate the different channels and that you can upload documents. I like Slack so much that I use it to communicate with members in my non-profit!

We used Twitter to build a PLN and create a professional Digital identity. We were encouraged to share resources and articles we found interesting, and most of us did so with Feedly! I frequently commented on interesting resources that my classmates shared to let them know that I found their post useful! We also used Twitter to encourage each other and answer questions.

In addition to both Slack and Twitter we also interacted with each other by commenting on class blogs! It is really nice receiving a comment on your blog post. It tells you that someone is actually reading what you have to say! Whether we asked a question in our reply or simply encouraged our classmates, it contributed to their learning and their success.

Even though we are finished this course and I am unable to take EDTC400 next semester due to scheduling conflicts, I will definitely continue to grow my PLN and connecting with others online.

Thank you Katia for encouraging us and demonstrating what a fantastic online leader looks like.


Full Circle

Well my friends, it seems as if I have come full circle.

The only thing left for me to do while I wait to receive the voice over is to start the next module. Once I receive the audio file I will be able to add it to the presentation and upload it to the LMS. I’ll probably have a few technical difficulties because that is just the way my life rolls, but I learned some pretty new skills (and some patience) in this course that will help me through. As of right now, I should have the audio by December 20th and so I can hopefully have this module COMPLETELY done by Christmas.

After I finish the first module completely and enjoy some Christmas festivities, I am gonna keep my head down and work on this second module! I would really really really like to have the course done and ready to test launch by the end of January (but that might be wishful thinking).

So… since I am starting the second module I am back to the boring stuff. I already have most of the research done because I did it while researching the first module. I am thankful that past-Paige did the research. This Paige is exhausted from finishing the semester and would probably procrastinate.

That means this Paige has to start sorting the research and creating an outline! As of right now, this is what I have for the outline for the Communication module:

  • Why is communication important in everyday life? In sports?
  • What are the types of communication/communicators
  • Which one are you?
  • How can you identify what kind of communicator your athlete is?
  • What does harmful communication look like?
  • What can harmful communication do?
  • How can we positively communicate with athletes?
  • Language
    • Why is the language you use important?
    • How can it be harmful?
    • How can this be harmful to people suffering with mental health issues?
    • What are some harmful sayings?
    • What can we say instead?

This outline might change once I am able to start organizing my research a little more, but that is okay! This module will likely change a million times over before I am done with it.

I am still using Google Docs for all of my research, writing, and planning because that is what is working best for me right now. I honestly do not have the time to fiddle around with new platforms, but I hope to do that over the winter break!

Thanks for reading,


What the Code

At the beginning of the week, I had very little idea about what coding was. I knew that it had something to do with computers, but it seemed confusing and scary!

In case you don’t already know, coding is writing in a language that the computer will understand. If you would like to know a little bit more, then check out this article!

Coding has become popular in the classroom for various reasons. Here are a few reasons as to why coding is being implemented in classrooms, according to

  • 1. Coding is a new type of literacy
    • “Those students who master coding are better prepared for a technical revolution that spans cultures and language boundaries”
  • 2. Coding is a tool to improve educational equity
    • “It’s a way for all students to use technology for creative engagement”
  • 3. Coding offers inclusion
    • “By teaching coding to students with developmental disabilities, teachers aren’t merely harnessing and developing innate talents. They’re better preparing these kids, making them more marketable and employable in a high-tech economy”
  • 4. Coding can improve neuroplasticity
    • “In another study, Mechelli found that children who acquired a second or third language, even a computer language, showed functional changes in the inferior parietal cortex.”
  • 5. Coding improves STEM proficiencies
    • “By making coding a classroom requirement, educators are better equipping students for this upcoming market”

In order to learn a bit more about coding, I hopped onto to try out some coding activities. Hour of Code is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to start coding, or for educators! The site is incredibly teacher friendly. The coding activities are divided into grade categories, the type of technology required, the topics, activity type, length, and language! In fact, Hour of Code supports more than 45 languages which makes it very inclusive.

The Hour of Code home page.

Now you see, I did not enjoy the coding activity I did whatsoever. I chose a Social Studies themed activity since that is my major! The activity I chose is called “Vidcode: Map Your Community”. The description said that I would “Collect and analyze data for community engagement, by coding your own community map”. Sounds interesting right?

The activity I chose.

Well… not for me! If I am being honest, I was so incredibly confused the entire time. The vocal was not sticking with me and I had to go back numerous times to try and figure out some really simple issues.

Maybe I didn’t like coding because I am not really interested and invested in it, or maybe my brain just didn’t want to work through it because of the way it functions. Am I making excuses for why I did not like it? Probably!

Part of my activity.

I do see the benefits of implementing coding into classrooms and I definitely want to explore that a bit more. I think I will have to go back and do some very very very beginner level activities. Hopefully that will change my perspective a little bit!

x Paige Hamann

Creating an Online Quiz

Hey everyone!

We are getting close to the end of the semester, which means my learning project is coming to a close soon!

I am so thankful for my #edtc300 class and the fact that we were able to pick a passion project. If I was not forced to work on this project every week for this class, then it would have been pushed to the side for a very long time. Instead, I will be able to launch my own course in the new year!

This week, I utilized TalentLMS‘s quiz feature to add the knowledge check for the end of the relationships module. I am not able to add anything else into TalentLMS yet because I am waiting for the voice over, and so I figured that I could get a head start and add in this little quiz!

The photo above shows all of the options to add to a course. When I am ready to add my presentation I will use the “Presentation” feature, but for this knowledge check I used the “Test” feature.

TalentLMS is very easy to navigate and has a ton of options for every feature. On the test feature, you can add multiple choice, fill in the blank, ordering, drag and drop, free text, and more. For this knowledge check, I used all multiple choice!

Inside the test feature! Here you can edit questions, add questions, and change some of the details.

I quite like that TalentLMS allows the instructor to provide feedback or a rationale for all of the answers. This helps participants to understand why that is the correct answer.

What is looks when creating a multiple choice question.

Because this is just a simple knowledge check, I only chose 6 questions. Quite honestly, many people will be able to pass this check without even taking the course, but it simply reinforces some of the important ideas throughout the module.

What the test looks like as a student!

I am really looking forward to exploring more features on TalentLMS and finally uploading the rest of the relationships module! It is slowly but surely coming along, and I am SO excited to have it launch next year.

Thanks for reading,

x Paige Hamann

The Fake News Dilemma

In a time where “fake news” is covering virtually every aspect of the internet and media, digital literacy is becoming increasingly important. It is becoming more and more difficult to determine what information is true or false. Digital Literacy refers to “the ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills.” 

Fake news is becoming more prevalent because there are “easily accessible digital tools that allow anyone to create realistic but false messages, videos, and voice recordings.” For instance, take a look at this video. This can be dangerous because we now have to question what we see and hear so that technology does not manipulate us. It is crucial that students learn how to identify fake news and understand how they could be manipulated. 

Digital Literacy can be implemented in many areas of the English 9 curriculum. For example, it could be applied in CR9.1ab, CR9.2ab, and CR9.4ab

To introduce my students to the topic, I would show them a couple of videos to hook their attention. This Pizzagate video is a great hook, and this TedTalk would be a great follow-up! We would then have a class discussion about the videos, and why digital literacy is important and relevant.

As a class activity to engage students, we would play this “Spot the fake news headline” game, or this “Spot the troll” game depending on time!

As a project or assignment, students would be assigned an article and a stance– real or fake news. The student would create a presentation defending the stance they were assigned, and attempt to persuade their classmates that they are correct. This project builds upon digital literacy and persuasive skills. At the end of the presentation, the student presenter would reveal if their stance on the article was correct or not. 

It is so important to teach students about digital literacy. Learning how to identify which information to trust is imperative in the academic world, as well as everyday life.

A Fitting Post

Hey everyone!

I hope you had a calm and relaxing reading week.

I am writing to you from my third day of isolation in my tiny bedroom! I do not have my test results back, but I was a close contact to someone who tested positive for Covid-19. So, I am stuck in my small bedroom for the time being.

But let me tell you, it is HARD to find the motivation to do any of my work when I am in my bed all day. My room is too small for a desk, and so my bed has become my entire life for the last three days.

However, I suppose I have accomplished some work (make sure you emphasize some).

For my learning project this week, I found an individual to VoiceOver the relationships module, and I created the knowledge check!

The individual we found to VoiceOver the relationships module was a secondary educator and athlete for the University of Regina. With experience as a coach, athlete, and educator, we thought he would be a great fit to be involved with out course! We reached out to him over Instagram and have been in contact via email. We are still working out the logistics, but we are super excited to have him involved!

As I said earlier, I also created the knowledge check for the module. I want to make sure that there is some sort of assessment after each module to ensure the participants are paying attention. Even if the questions are rather straightforward, they reiterate the main messages of the module so that if participants don’t focus during the presentation, then they still take something away from the knowledge check! The questions I chose for the knowledge check relate to the learning objectives. The LMS I chose has the option to add assessments within each unit, so I am going to take advantage of that feature!

This was a boring post, but it seems fitting since my whole life is boring in my bedroom right now.

Thanks for reading!

x Paige

Who Am I Online?

Digital Identity is such a prevalent aspect of who we are in today’s society, and it is incredibly important that we convey this to our students. Being knowledgeable about digital identity can protect an individual in numerous different ways.

To put it simply, digital identity is how you portray yourself online. It is made up of photos, videos, articles, texts, emails, posts, or whatever people are able to find about you. It is necessary to acknowledge and realize that everything an individual posts online contributes to their digital identity.

An equally important aspect of digital identity is recognizing the digital identity of others. It is easy to get caught up in the internet and compare yourself to others. People tend to post their best self on social media, and so that is what you see. You do not see their bad days or insecurities unless they decide to show them, so really you are consistently comparing your worst to their best. 

The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel

Steven Furtick

I personally have struggled with comparing myself to others, and it has caused some major issues in my life. I know that it has caused issues for many of my friends as well. In fact, I connected with Madison Holleran’s story a bit too closely. Between my own personal struggles and the struggles of my friend who took her own life, I see many similarities to Madison’s story. We need to recognize that people are more than their online identity. Even if they appear to have it all, we need to check on them. And if they do appear to have it all, then we shouldn’t let that damage us.

Monica Lewinsky’s Ted Talk was incredibly interesting to listen to. To be honest, I am not very familiar with her story, but listening to her speak made me empathize with her. Her message to “click compassionately” really resonated with me. It is so easy to get caught up in tabloids and rumours that do not involve us, but we need to recognize that these people are still human beings. I think this video would be great for older classrooms. 

Additionally, the article “Having Multiple Online Identities is More Normal Than You Think” was honestly quite reassuring for me! I personally have multiple Instagram accounts: My “main” account or my highlight reel if you will (though I try to be authentic and vulnerable), my “finsta” for my close friends where I post photos covered in acne and my hair unbrushed, my account for my photography business, and my account for my non-profit! I need to realize that most times, I am not seeing people’s “finstas” and am only seeing their most put together self. 

This week for #edtc300 we had to cybersleuth a classmate. The point of this activity is to realize how much we can gather about a person from their online identity. There may be personal information available to others that we may not want shared, and so we need to be careful and aware of  that. It also demonstrates that what you post can come back to haunt you, as it is findable and never really goes away.

The classmate I cybersleuthed was easy to find! The first things to appear on my google search were her e-portfiolio and her Twitter feed. Right off the bat, I see her professional spaces which leaves a good first impression. I also found an old instagram account that seems to only have some silly photos and old selfies. Nothing harmful, just a tad funny! Her current Instagram account is private, but I was able to see some of her photos on vsco which seemed to mostly be selfies. All in all, I don’t think that this classmate is an undersharer or oversharer. I was able to see some details that she is comfortable with people seeing, and that is awesome! It seems like she has good control of her digital identity.

After doing a few google searches on myself, I would say that I am happy with my digital identity. I definitely wish I would have been more aware of my digital identity in elementary school, but I can use that to teach my future students.

Thanks for reading!

Digital Citizenship in the Classroom

It is indisputable that the real world and the digital world are now more interlaced than ever. The presence of technology and social media is increasing, and this becomes evident when considering the age that young people attain their first devices or create accounts. As of 2016, the NY Times stated that on average children are getting their first smartphones at age 10. This means that teaching young people about digital citizenship is more important than ever. 

According to, digital citizenship is described as “the continuously developing norms of appropriate, responsible, and empowered technology use”. In other words, it is knowing the impacts of the internet and using it safely and responsibly. 

Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools

Dr. Mike Ribble’s 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship have a major influence on digital citizenship initiatives around the world. These elements are a significant portion of Saskatchewan’s K-12 policy guide. 

As an individual in the Secondary Education program, it is clear that I would prefer to teach in a high school setting. That being said, I would hope that my students would already have a great foundational knowledge of digital citizenship from their elementary years. This means that my classes would continue to practice the elements that contribute to a good digital citizen

This is how I would integrate the elements of digital citizenship in the context of a grade nine Social Studies or English class (as these are my major/minor areas).

1. Digital Access

Who has access to technology and who does not?

Social Studies 9— IN9.2 Compare the factors that shape worldviews in a society, including time and place, culture, language, religion, gender identity, socio-economic situation, and education.  a. Explore personal student beliefs about some contemporary issues or problems (e.g., making friends; the role of technology in daily life; affordable housing; intergenerational families; global warming; post-secondary education; participating in religious or cultural ceremonies; designer clothing; healthy food choices; drinking and driving; violence).

Students can examine the role of technology in their daily lives and compare it to that of rural communities or other areas of the world. This can lead to conversations about privilege and help students to identify discrepancies in human rights.

2.   Digital Commerce

How are we manipulated by digital marketing?

English 9— CR9.7a and CR9.7b Read independently and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of information texts including expository essays, historical accounts, news articles, and scientific writing. j. Identify and analyze techniques and elements such as figurative language and rhetorical and stylistic features of texts.

Students can analyze the rhetorical devices and persuasive techniques utilized in ads. This will help them to recognize these tactics when online shopping.

3.   Digital Communication and Collaboration

How can we interact with others online in a positive manner?

English 9— CC9.2a and CC9.2b Create and present an individual researched inquiry project related to a topic, theme, or issue studied in English language arts. e. Use e-mail, threaded discussion, and file sharing to exchange ideas and findings.

Students can practice communicating and collaborating in a positive and respectful manner on online platforms.

4.   Digital Etiquette

Is this a good time to use technology?

Social Studies 9— IN9.4 Determine the influence of worldview on the choices, decisions, and interactions in a society a. Explain the influence of worldview on personal choices, decisions, and interactions (e.g., choice of friends, choice of fashion, the significance of education, participation or non- participation in events, choice of pastimes and recreational activities, approaches to nature and ecology, approaches to consumerism). 

Students can analyze when different people utilize technology and relate this to worldview.

5. Digital Fluency

What do we believe and what do we not?

English 9— CR9.1b View, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of texts that address identity (e.g., Exploring Loyalty, Love, and Relationships), social responsibility (e.g., Equal Opportunity), and efficacy (e.g., Surviving and Conquering). t. Differentiate between fact/opinion and bias and propaganda in texts

Students can analyze articles and use text and visual features to differentiate between fact and opinion or “fake news”

6.   Digital Health and Welfare

How do we protect our minds online?

English 9— AR9.1a and AR9.1b Assess personal strengths and needs as a viewer, listener, reader, representer, speaker, and writer and contributions to the community of learners, and develop goals based on assessment and work toward them. a. Evaluate and modify own roles in group interactions in a variety of contexts.

Students can analyze their online spaces and platforms, evaluating how they are impacting other people and identify how they can improve as a digital citizen. Students should also evaluate who they allow in their online spaces and if they are preserving and protecting their mental health.

7.   Digital Law

What are online laws? How do follow this structure and be responsible digital citizens?

English 9— CR9.1b View, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of texts that address identity (e.g., Exploring Loyalty, Love, and Relationships), social responsibility (e.g., Equal Opportunity), and efficacy (e.g., Surviving and Conquering). r. Cite specific information and support inferences made in texts viewed, heard, or read.

Students can cite their sources for all projects and understand the importance of giving proper credit.

8.   Digital Rights and Responsibility

What are our roles are responsibilities online? How do our roles differ?

Social Studies 9— PA9.3 Investigate the roles and responsibilities of members of the societies studied and those of citizens in contemporary Canada. c. Examine the rights and responsibilities of people as they existed within the societies studied, and compare findings to contemporary Canadian society.

Students can brainstorm their rights and responsibilities online and compare that to the online rights and responsibilities of their teachers and guardians.

9.   Digital Security and Privacy

How can we stay safe and protect our privacy online?

I believe that conversations about online safety should be prevalent throughout the school year. Students should discuss how to keep themselves safe, as well as what they believe educators should be doing to protect them.