Wiki (not) How

May 26, 2024 3 By Stella Mulatz

I used a Wiki How resource for the first part of my learning project. I found this resource very frustrating because it gave really good instructions and demonstrations on how to braid someone else’s hair, but while working on my own I found it very difficult to know where my fingers were and which directions they were going. Perhaps this is much more of a user issue than the website itself however I really struggled while attempting to complete my first French braid.

The first technique I wanted to try was to do a single French braid. I thought this would be simpler than starting with double and would get me into the rhythm of braiding. I decided to do it when my hair was wet to try and get the pretty curls when it dries. Yet, I found it very difficult because my hair felt very slippery. This was my first attempt at a single French braid and although it is far from perfect I got the hang of what my hands need to do and how it should feel. While doing this braid I kept getting confused about which sections I added more hair to. I found it difficult to keep the two sections of hair in one hand and gather hair into the last section with my other hand. I also found it very difficult to keep the top part smooth and not bumpy, I realized that I kind of had to use my fingers to brush the hair back so it was flat and tight against my head as I added it into the pre-existing strands.

I strongly believe that as I continue on this will get easier. One element I was unprepared for was because of doing multiple attempts and struggling to get started with the braid, my shoulders became quite sore during my braiding attempt. This was very shocking to me because as an athlete I believe I have somewhat strong shoulders and then they got sore just braiding my hair! Overall, I am happy with this first attempt and excited to start attempting two braids and discovering if one or two is easier!


Single french braid

Single French Braid 1st Attempt

After my first attempt, I am looking forward to continuing this project and seeing my improvement throughout. If anyone has any hints, tips, or tricks let me know!!