So, for a few weeks, I have a camera in my hands. While I am learning how to take photos with this camera. It’s proving harder for me to carry around all the time with me. As I stated in the first blog one thing I will do most throughout my journey is “Take my camera everywhere”. Well, I might not be able to able to take a DSLR with me all time, I have my phone with me all time. So, from here on I will be mixing up both devices in my journey.
Now, coming to this week’s learning journey. I have been spending a lot of time surfing photography tutorials on YouTube. I stumbled upon this video titled: “How To Draw ATTENTION”.
And this leads me rabbit hole of concepts on “Composition ” in photography. A week before I had no idea of this whole topic. (aaaah, there is so much to photography, I have no idea about).
Following are few things about composition have me interested in are:
1. Background Blurry: This is exactly what portrait mode on phone is all about. So nothing much to mention. The main thing to know about this is I can control this aperture. The bigger the aperture, the more the background/foreground will be blurry. Then, with the aperture, I would need to work around shutter speed and ISO. (More on this take DSLR with me this weekend.)
If you have an iPhone; Here is how to take pictures in portrait mode. And this is achieved by “Computational photography”.( See, I know technical photography terms now 😉 )
2. Use Leading Lines:(There is a pattern everywhere)
This is the rule, which has no rule at all (Literally ). I am pretty sure, we all follow this unconsciously anyway. It’s all about how we place “Objects of interest” in Canvas. This pattern can be broken few categories. I have to put context for my understanding, I would say; “This way photographer pointing the finger at the picture, as if saying hey look here is this cool thing.”
More can be found on this in this article:
Following are attempts to capture with composition in mind. I not exactly sticking by rules, I am also adding notes with each picture, to describe what I was trying to achieve in that composition. (With some tricks done using, the crop tool)

I love that you have decided to blend your project with a camera and a device. Those are some stunning photographs!
Hi Amy, thanks for the compliment.
The photos look great!! I love that tutorials are easy to find on youtube, no matter what you’re searching for. The tutorial you linked was so interesting, I’ve never thought too much about photography, but this was amazing and super engaging! Keep up the great work 🙂
Thanks for the comments and for liking this tutorial.
Hello Sunaina,
I can see that you are progressing with your photography project. I found the tutorial you posted to be interesting, particularly for beginners like me. I also liked the pictures you took. Did you practice what you learned in the tutorial while taking those pictures?.
Thank you for sharing and keep going!
Hi Jean Paul, Thanks for the compliments. And yes, I am Practicing and exploring the sights and angles. I click 100 photos and then select a few which look good and professional.