Week 4 [The “Good” Student]

Being a “good student” is being on time for class, being clean, organized and having a preferred attitude every day at school for the teacher.  A “good” student doesn’t challenge the teacher in anyway and pays attention in class so that they can memorize the given knowledge and regurgitate it back on tests.  The students that are privileged by this commonsense are students who have a home life that allows them to focus on school, be fed, bathed, and clothed properly.  Students who do not have any type of learning disability or behavioural issues.  This keeps the students who memorize and test well at the top of their class, not the students who are actually big thinkers.  These ideals for students creates this never ending cycle of students who think they aren’t smart enough to do things, when in reality they haven’t been able to showcase what they’re really made of, they haven’t been given the opportunity to learn to their full potential.  Keeping the commonsense holds students back from being creative and thinking outside the box because it might make their teacher uncomfortable because a student might be able to grasp a concept that they themselves cannot.  The “good” student stunts the intellectual growth of some students and leaves the others behind.

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