"It matters not what one is born, but what they grow to be." - Albus Dumbledore

The Problem With Common Sense

Kumashiro talks about common sense and defines it as “what everyone should know”. Common sense is everywhere, it is the knowledge that people come to know and accept as normal thoughts, behaviours, and how society “functions” as a whole. Common sense varies depending where you are in the world; from countries, to provinces, right down to smaller areas, such as towns and villages. Is there a problem with common sense? There can be, especially if it doesn’t evolve, as the world does constantly; without evolving it can become very oppressive. Society begins to better itself in ways such as, acknowledging and accepting all genders, putting an end to racism, gender equity in the work force, and the way in which education is carried out and assessed. As teachers we educate our students making them aware of changes, we teach new common sense, we embody this new common sense, and lead by example.

Kumashiro talks about common sense in schools and their experience in a new country. The common sense within the school system in the Nepali village Kumashiro starts teaching in, is very different from the norms they were used to in the United States. When teaching, the textbook was followed to the letter and children were beaten if they didn’t behave. The common sense that I’ve come to know, is very different from this, and has even evolved as I’ve grown up.

As a student, the teacher knew everything and our ideas and opinions weren’t valid, as we didn’t have the education to form our own ideas. From my experience in my learning career, I know this to be untrue. As I progress on my path to becoming a teacher, I have come to understand that the “teacher” isn’t the only one that teaches in the classroom. Valuing and addressing student’s ideas and knowledge helps them to become stronger learners and in turn you a stronger teacher, and learner.

In order to avoid “the problem of common sense,” within our teaching career, we must be constantly re-evaluating and adapting. It is important that as we teach, we strive towards a better more accepting world for our students, and constantly challenge and evolve our common sense understandings.

Kumashiro. (2009). Against Common Sense: Teaching and Learning Toward Social Justice, pp. XXIX – XLI


  1. Tom Duffy

    Great post Amber! I especially agree that common sense needs to evolve, otherwise it becomes oppressive. I think it’s important too that as educators, we need to have a very fluid sense of common sense in order to be effectively teaching children. Before Education I was in the sciences where, reflecting on it, there was still this sense of “the professor knows all, opinions may not be valued” for some of my classes. Did you ever feel like this in any of your classes that you have taken, and did you find re-adapting/evolving difficult or impossible?
    Again, great post!

    • ajd727

      As an adult learner I have experienced many different teaching styles. I find I am able to adapt okay to these teaching styles just because I’ve already been exposed to them. I do find that I am more successful in classes where the teacher is more encouraging of my thoughts and ideas as well as other students. I also find these classes more enjoyable. Having these somewhat negative learning experiences has helped me to realize the qualities that I don’t want to bring to my classroom!
      Thank-you for the kind comment and the thought provoking question!

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