This week I wanted to dive right in to reading music, as memory is not my strongest skill, this was an interesting week. The online source I chose is youtube. Thinking back to when I took piano lessons as a child I remember using the mnemonics FACE and Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge to remember the notes on sheet music. While searching through youtube I found this video, the mnemonics in it were very similar to the ones I had previously used and found this to be helpful.
This video was easy to follow and had a lot of helpful information in it. I now needed to put this knowledge to practice.
This week I chose a new song to practice, “Beauty and the Beast.” The progress is slow, but it almost sounds recognizable! Even though I know the song really well, it has been a hard one to learn. I am still finding reading music to be really hard, I can do it, but not fast enough to keep up with the tempo of the songs I am attempting to play. In the video below you can really tell how much a struggle to read music fast enough to get the tempo in the song.
As much as I wanted to practice everyday this week life just got in the way and it did not happen. My goal for next week is to practice once a day for at least ten minutes. I figure starting with a smaller amount of time is more manageable and I should be able to fit in ten minutes each day. I plan to continue practicing “Beauty and the Beast,” and start to learn “I see Fire,” by Ed Sheeran.
I am excited to start this song as I am a huge Ed Sheeran fan and love “The Hobbit.” Wish me luck!
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