"It matters not what one is born, but what they grow to be." - Albus Dumbledore

Instagram, Instapiano

I have an Instagram account and have used it for yoga tips, among other things, so I thought why not look for piano tips here as well?

I began my search and found so many interesting videos. There were a lot of different quotes, memes, tips, and even exercises to further your learning. Instagram Piano <-here you can find some of the posts I found when I was searching.

Some things I found helpful:

  • Finger strengthening exercises
  • Learning how to control your thumb
  • The best way to practice scales
  • Finger control exercises
  • Speed exercises

I found one Instgrammer that I found particularly helpful and had a lot of good videos called, Piano with Jonny.

I tried many different exercises, some that I found to be enjoyable and others that seemed like more of a chore. Now that I have a few favourites I can incorporate them into my practice routine.

Overall I thought Instagram was a helpful tool for the learning experience I was aiming for. The only thing I found difficult when it came to this app, was falling down rabbit holes. It was a lot of fun watching peoples videos, and I loved hearing the different songs, but this really took me off tack of my learning. This is just something one needs to be wary about when using a social media platform as a learning tool.

I am continuing to work on my song “I See Fire,” and have managed to speed up my timing to get closer to that of the actual song. Next week I will post a video of my progress so stay tuned!


  1. Danica Finlay

    Hi Amber,

    I look forward to seeing your update on the song “I See Fire”. I also used Instagram as a tool for my learning project and found a variety of pages to look at. Before taking this class, I never really seen social media as a way to learn a new skill! Curious, what are your new favourite exercises that you have learned?

    • Amber Doucette

      I found the finger control exercises to be one of the more useful ones. It really improved my coordination!

  2. Benton Froc

    Hi Amber,

    I appreciate that you brought up how it was difficult to stay on task (falling down rabbit holes). That is a part of the learning process I struggle with the most, especially when it comes to educational technology; there is just so much I find interesting, and it often ends up with being on a topic much different than the one I intended on! What did you do to stay focused when you found yourself doing that? I think that that is something to consider too when students in the classroom use technology, as there is so much stuff out there asking for our time and attention. Great post!

  3. Tadyn Martinook

    Hi Amber,
    It’s interesting that you tested out Instagram this week for your learning post. There are so many different educational things that you can find on there, whether it be different tips or tutorials. I know I follow a few educational accounts on there that share tips they use in the classroom as well. I loved that you brought up how difficult it can be to stay on task when using different technologies as well, I know I have the same issue as well. But, it can lead to some interesting discussions in the classroom, and you could even teach your students how to avoid this. I can’t wait to see your progress!

  4. Noelle Dyck

    Hi Amber,

    I love the idea of using Instagram as a learning tool! I have never thought about that before so that is a great idea! I am glad you were able to find an Instagrammer as well to assist you in your learning! I find it easy to “fall down the rabbit hole” when we explore social media and often find ourselves distracted easily which we have to for sure be careful with while using social media. However, continuously committing to learning something can be difficult as well but that is totally okay! We just try again the next time or take a break! Good luck with your project!


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