Category: EDTC 300

Embracing the New Culture of Participation in Education: Navigating Our Digital World

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, the concept of education is undergoing a profound transformation. As we reflect on the insights shared in our recent lecture and Dan Wesch’s enlightening video, “An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube,” it becomes evident that we are witnessing the emergence of a new culture of participation, one that fundamentally alters…

By Avery Kotylak May 27, 2024 2

Balancing Tech, Tasks, and TikTok

In today’s tech-driven society, it is crucial to recognize the impact that technology has on our daily routines, both personally and academically. Reflecting on my own tech habits, I have realized the dual role that digital tolls play in my life, from leisure and social interactions to academic pursuits and productivity. Social Apps for Connection…

By Avery Kotylak May 14, 2024 0