Month: March 2022

From Profile to Final Edit

Well, here it is- my final course submission! Looking back to the beginning of this EC&I 834 class, I was not very confident in my course design skills or in navigating technology in general. This lack of confidence stemmed from no longer having a classroom of students to help...
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Course Reviews

“Strive for continuous improvement, instead of perfection.“ – Kim Collins Thank you for the Feedback! Over the past weeks we presented our modules in class to small groups for feedback and then had two classmates share more detailed written feedback to each of us regarding our course shell, profile,...
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Course Module for EC&I 834

I have submitted my lessons and module. The topic is setting goals and using a growth mind set. I have included the classroom code link so you can all check it out. Please feel free to leave me some feedback. I hope you all had as much fun as...
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