Week 4 – Twitter

Week 4 – Twitter

Although I am a frequent user of social media apps like Facebook, SnapChat, Instagram, TikTok and Twitter, I remain a social media looker rather than a poster.  As mentioned in Week 2 blog post, I rarely post on these platforms in my personal or professional lives. This is out of  fear based on how I could be portrayed, the fear of offending someone, or fear of misrepresenting my employer and landing myself in hot water; it’s just easier in my…

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Week 3 – Digital Project… “Welcome to…. PARENTHOOD!?!”

Week 3 – Digital Project… “Welcome to…. PARENTHOOD!?!”

When I was mulling over what new skill I have been eagerly wanting to learn but haven’t had the time, or the drive to do,  I was drawing a complete blank!  I quickly realized that I would be learning one of the biggest and most important skills I have ever had to learn (whether I was ready or not) over the next 9 months; becoming a parent!  Back in April, my wife and I got the exciting news that our…

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Week 2 – Relationship with Social Media

Week 2 – Relationship with Social Media

As far back as  I  can recall, there was not as much social media available or if there was, I was not a user of it until I was 15 or 16 when MSN messenger was the app of choice.  Where the big exciting thing would be to get emails or account information to be able to add friends from school, sports camp, etc. with the hope of staying in touch and being social.   Fast forward to grade 10 (2003),…

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Who Am I?

Who Am I?

I am currently a Grade 7/8 classroom teacher at Ecole Harbour Landing School in Regina, Saskatchewan. Previously spent time as a Grade 4/5 classroom teacher and am excited about the new challenges in a new and preferred grade level. I grew up in Foam Lake, Saskatchewan where I also completed my entire grade school education. I then moved onto the University of Saskatchewan to play football for the Huskies and earn degrees in Kinesiology and Education! I am an avid…

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Welcome to my digital learning space! Here I will document and reflect on various aspects of my learning as I work through EC&I 831 this fall/Winter. You will find pages under EC&I831 tab linking you to my Weekly Blog, Summary of Learning & my Major Digital Project!