My Emerging Thoughts on Twitter & its Use in the Classroom

My Emerging Thoughts on Twitter & its Use in the Classroom

Before this class began, I would occasionally scroll through Twitter for updates on current events but that was the extent of my use. I hadn’t tweeted since the 4th grade and barely followed anyone new. I recently found my old Twitter account from Grade 4 which reminded me why I didn’t tweet or even use Twitter daily. However, in the early parts of February, I found myself on the app for several hours a day in the lead-up and the…

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Aperture and Shutter Speed: The New Light of My Life

Aperture and Shutter Speed: The New Light of My Life

This week for my learning project, I tried to familiarize myself with my camera and the meaning behind much of its terminology. Over the weekend I visited a friend of mine who has been a photographer in western Canada for most of his life. He has even won a couple of competitions in Saskatchewan. During our conversation, he explained to me the basics of his camera by breaking down its moving parts. In order to get the most personalized feel…

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Learning Photography: An Excuse to Play

Learning Photography: An Excuse to Play

Earlier this year I told myself, “I want to learn photography.” It is almost instinct when you move to any area with a mountain in sight. No model can play with lighting or angles like a large rock in the sky. I took a photography class in high school, but it is not a lie when I say it was without a doubt the worst taught class I have taken throughout my years of education; I remember nothing. A couple…

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