This ECI 831 session was unbelievable, the learning that took place over this short one and a half months was incredible. I was able to learn a lot first about myself and social media, how I evolved my own sense of ownership, comfortability in usage, and the obvious learning through social media platforms; check out
Month: June 2023
Chocolat Eh? Chocolat Eh? It’s Been A Slice Y’all!
Here it is folks, here you have it! My final videos of my major learning project. The cake I made today was Turtle Pie Cake Turtle Pie Cake with Chocolate Cake, Salted Caramel and Pecans” Turtle Pie Cake – tender and moist chocolate cake layers with salted caramel, toasted pecans, chocolate ganache and pecan buttercream.
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Have a Little Faith, Hold Out, “Open Education” Shall Be Free But For Who?
With the help and support of my colleagues willingness to share resources of things they have made with me, my life as a teacher has been made slightly simpler, enjoyable, more manageable, allows for more work/family life balance and I am a whole lot more appreciative of what it means to work together. Although these
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I’ll Take you To the Icing Shop, I’ll Let you Lick the Spatula
Nothing beats licking the icing off a spoon now does it? This posts focus will be on how to fill a piping bag and then practicing my piping skills not on a cake. There was also so many distractions today, not only did I have my children but my sister needed to last minute drop
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Social Media & Activism Can They Hold Hands?
I am left with more questions than answers when it comes to effectiveness and then I also feel very anxious regarding sharing of radical activism. I think it’s fair to say that social media can take any issue and ignite it in positive and/or negative way s. Platform such as Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook have
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Baking Substitutions
You know I have been there and I am sure other people have too. You are right in the middle of baking and you realize you are missing baking soda but you have baking powder this often happens to me. However through my cake decorating class I discovered you can make other baking substitutions with
Twitter Friend or Foe?
To be honest it isn’t a friend or a foe I just don’t like to use it; so I guess you can say I am a reluctant user. I find myself forcing myself to use it and I see it as another social media app that just takes my time away from my life; something
If I knew You Were Coming I’d Baked a Cake
What a week this was!!! I went to visit my husband in Calgary who was away for some locomotive engineer training and we celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary up in the Calgary Tower Sky360 restaurant (I give it 5 stars for sure) , took in the zoo and spent some time in the mountains, it