Hello, Cody here, learning how to play guitar has been on my bucket list forever. It’s weird because typically I dive head-first into learning new skills. Anyway, this is not supposed to be about that, this is about the first app that I tried, it’s called Simply Guitar.
The Good Parts of the App
The app worked really well. It listened to me play and helped me tune my guitar. When I would play a string or a chord, it would tell me if I was doing so correctly. There was also a Guitar Hero(oddly enough I have never played) style game at the end of each lesson where you had to strum in rhythm with these bars going across the screen. Since I am not even

My sore finger tips
remotely a gamer, I have NO idea if Guitar Hero is relevant anymore, however, it was wildly successful, and so the formula of hitting strings with a moving bar was fun. I think this is where apps will be strong, your third cousin removed who has played guitar for a million years and is trying to teach you will not be as fun as Guitar Hero. I’m sure a musical purist will say something like “You should learn for the love of music”, yeah bud cool, cool-cool-cool. I love music, I spent all of my 20’s going to festivals and building a near audiophile stereo, but, if it isn’t fun the buy in is difficult.
The Bad Parts of the App
I straight up did not like the guy that was teaching, he seemed lame to me. I don’t know why, that is just personal preference, but it is how I felt. The guitar tuning software built into the app was not near as good as the real tuner I have, this may be to many factors that i do not understand. My BIGGEST beef with the app was the inevitable pay wall, I knew it was coming, but did not know how much it was going to be. This always bothers me, I was in sales and marketing for years, and I never shy away from sharing cost right away. If your product is strong enough and good enough, cost will not be a deterring factor. I see it as a sign of weakness if they can’t share this info right off the hop. For a 3 month minimum subscription it is $18, I personally think they should offer a one month option.
What I Learned

Me attempting Em chord
Well I learned how to play the 1st string on frets with 3 of my fingers and open fret as well. The app then taught me the e-minor chord. It was difficult, but after about 10 minutes I was doing it. This was a great feeling, like in my soul, not in my fingers. They are still kind of tingling numb. This would have been better when I was a welder and all my fingers were callused from doing heavy manual labor. Now they are soft(the most strenuous thing I do is type on a keyboard). Never the less, I have never let a little bit of discomfort get in my way. Stay tuned as I try the next app called Yousician.
Hi Cody,
Learning to play the guitar through the internet seems like quite the project. I look guitar lessons as a child and quit because I didn’t have the patience. Learning face to face with another individual was difficult enough. Good luck on your journey! Seems like you are already learning plenty!
Hey Cody,
I am horrible at musical things, I would not be able to stick to it if I found my teacher lame at all. I did like guitar hero though, but those games are not lame haha.
I also really liked your blog post! The way you talk (through text) is very catching and has an easy flow to it.
Good luck on learning more guitar!
Hi Cody!
I tried on-and-off for a year to learn how to play the ukulele on an app and due to my ukulele being a frustratingly infant-sized guitar and my small attention span, I gave up. I don’t think Guitar Hero is lame haha (if it is, I will accept the title of lame as well). If they had Ukulele Guitar Hero though, I would be very tempted to try again! A paywall sounds annoying, especially if you’re just starting out. Best of luck to you and the guitar, can’t wait to see how it goes over the next few weeks!
Hi Cody,
I enjoyed reading your post I went over it a couple of times. I’m on this journey of learning the Guitar as a beginner. I appreciate that you shared the Simply Guitar app as well as the pros and cons of this app. This goes a long way in guiding me.
I’ve tried the Yousician app and it seemed okay to me. I’m excited to read about your experiences with the app.