It was fun exploring coding, but I feel it’s another world of learning. In my opinion, if you’re an expert on coding, you can use multiple projects and games for children in the classroom, that would be a great tool to keep them engaged. As I searched about Scratch for beginners projects, I found it’s not hard to navigate, but you need to spend some time to understand how to use different codes, to create your different stories or play a learning game. I believe, after practising, you’ll be more comfortable to use.
The website has plenty of resources: playing games, creating stories/games, greeting cards. It will be fun learning for digital literacy users, but might be challenging for those who are not tech-friendly.
Though there are multiple options to choose from, I wanted to start with the basic one: create a small story. I tried to attach the complete file, but I was unable to upload it. I’ve attached a link below to explore my work.
I also checked an hour of code, which seems like fun animation with multiple learning options.
I liked some game creation and wishing card creation projects, which I will try to work on soon. I would definitely like to learn more about ‘Coding’, and would love to introduce in my classroom.