Sesame Street and Today’s Schooling


After reading about this week’s blog prompt, I searched “Sesame Street” on the internet. Yes, I am new to this… I knew a little bit about it… specifically, the puppets… and now I came to know it has 52 seasons and has been with us since 1969. Soon thoughts came popping into my mind like… how… where was I all these years… I researched more and I saw that it covers a variety of real-life situations and is also used as a tool for educating kids. Melissa Kearny and Phillip Levine, in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, said that kids under the age of seven, who watch Sesame Street, do better in schools.

Also, I found this video on YouTube in which Sesame Street is used for refugee children.

After all the research, I came to the conclusion that sesame street is beneficial for preschool kids or kids who are away from school or before kids go to school. Still, I am not 100% sure about my conclusion… I will continue to research more and learn more about it. Moving further let’s dive into the meaning of traditional schooling.

So, What is traditional schooling?

According to Wikipedia, Traditional education, also known as back-to-basicsconventional education or customary education, refers to long-established customs that society has traditionally used in schools. Some forms of education reform promote the adoption of progressive education practices, and a more holistic approach which focuses on individual students’ needs; academics, mental health, and social-emotional learning. In the definition, Wikipedia also added, “in the eyes of reformers, traditional teacher-centred methods focused on rote learning and memorization must be abandoned in favour of student-centred and task-based approaches to learning.” I agree with this statement, task-based approaches and student-student interactions play a vital role in a child’s overall development.

But today’s schooling has changed drastically by using technology in our classrooms. It is used as an interaction tool and classes are more student-centred than teacher-centred. Nowadays, teaching is more result-oriented and engaging. The use of AV tools has been with us since the 17th century, when John Amos Comenius (1592–1670), a Bohemian educator, introduced pictures as teaching aids in his books which were written in native languages. The findings of the Sunder (2018) study revealed that audio-visual aids are the most effective and easy way to make the teaching-learning process result-oriented.

In this blog, I would like to mention the advantages and disadvantages of using AV tools in the classroom from my point of view.

Advantages –

  • Conveys meaning clearly
  • Attract the attention of students
  • Increases understanding
  • Easy to remember and follow
  • More engaging
  • Has a lasting effect on the receiver

Disadvantages –

  • Expensive
  • Needs space
  • Technical problems
  • Easier to lose focus
  • Time-consuming
  • Decreases teacher’s role

I believe only the use of AV tools is not sufficient… We need a lot of time for student interaction, as to be an effective teacher only a teacher-student relationship is not enough. We should foster student-student relationships as well with the help of several tools. Lastly, I would like to quote the point mentioned in the article Audiovisual Development and Education, “it is not the medium that controls the efficiency of communication, but appropriate media or a combination of the medium needs to suit particular user and content. The text has different affordances than AV media; effective communication is achieved by different media complementing, but not replacing each other.” Thus, I think that in today’s schooling teachers are demanded to be facilitators of knowledge not knowledge keepers. We are here to teach children several skills and guide them about the tools/skills that are required in this modern era of technological advancements.


–Thank You


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