What to paint now that Valentine’s Day is over?

For those who’ve been keeping up, I started my watercolour learning process as a way to create a bunch of Valentine’s Day cards to send to friends around the country. In total I ended up making and sending about 20 cards! It was a lot of work but I had fun doing it.

Here are some of the ones I made:

Also I painted a bunch of ugly ones that ended up in the garbage.

What to paint next…

One thought on “What to paint now that Valentine’s Day is over?

  1. Chantelle Turner

    I love your cat heart card! I’m a sucker for cats so that might be partially why, but it’s also incredibly cute aside from my love of cats!

    Did you decide what to paint next? Or are you still looking for inspiration? What about deriving some inspiration from the spring equinox coming up next week? Or maybe Easter in a couple of weeks? Side note – I also love spring. I’ve always felt like it’s a literal breath of fresh air after surviving our dark, cold, long winter days I always feel a little bit lighter and happier when the sun is up before 9am and I can BBQ after 5pm and still see what the heck I’m doing!

    My mom and dad were both very artistic. After my dad passed away, I actually found an entire box full of acrylic paintings he had done that I had never seen before. He did a lot of landscape painting with inspiration coming from both the prairies as a prairie boy growing up in Saskatchewan, but also mountain ranges as the mountains were one of his favourite places to visit.

    I think inspiration can come from almost anyone, anywhere or anything and I hope you have found some inspiration to continue on your watercolour journey. I look forward to what you come up with next!


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