
Hey everyone,

I hope all is going well for everyone and your projects are coming along well! Last week, I decided to take the suggestion from Jerico and make ginger snap cookies. Honestly, at first I thought this was going to be extremely easy but as it went on I started having doubts. Having  minimal experience with baking before this project, I normally watch and eat during the process of making cookies. However, this showed me the importance of sticking with it. I started by searching up any ginger snap recipe, then proceeded to begin. In the photo below, I started by preparing the ingredients.

After doing this, I began getting to work and trying to achieve a nice, chewy ginger snap. (Sorry for some reason I could not get the slideshow to work).

As you can see it was a process but went smoothly. With this being said, this is when my doubt became real. The cookie dough seemed to be dry (in comparison to the cupcake and muffins that I made) but I later realized that was meant to happen. Below is the finished product:

As you can see, the two columns on the left were the first batch (not pressed), but since they seemed pretty round and didn’t flatten as much as expected, I decide to push with a fork for the second batch (three columns on the right). In the end, I wish I left them as they don’t have that ginger snap look but it ended up being a good learning experience through the dough and trial process.

As for taste, they turned out really well (my dad is enjoying them the most, haha) and they will be gone really fast! I might need to make another batch. Have any of you ever made ginger snaps? For some reason I always want to correlate them with Halloween, haha.

Thanks Jerico, for the suggestion and look forward to another week!

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One Response to Snap!

  1. Jerico says:

    Evan!!! I am just seeing this now and your post must have gotten lost in the sea of posts in the blog space. Your cookies look absolutely fantastic and delicious. I am so happy to have had a small part in your creation, but I am jealous I didn’t get to taste it haha. Regardless, you have already come so far in your learning project in such a short time and I hope to see more from you!

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