Scare Tactic or Threat?

Thinking back to cyber safety in school, I believe that the tactics used were not very beneficial to how myself and other students viewed the internet. The main tactic that teachers and parents used were statements that included “you never know…” or “strangers will see”. This was what I believe to be a scare tactic to limit our teenage posting online. Watching the video provided in class, this is a prime example relating to that about how Sarah questions how people know her name. Although scare tactics may work on younger children who are new to having social media/electronics in their life, once children get older, they may look past any advice.

Although it is harder to implement other ways, I believe some children will never learn until it happens to someone close to them. Once it hits home, children usually realize how serious of an issue it may be.

Depending on relationships between parents and students, it may eventually proceed further than typical scare tactics. In some cases, parents may threaten to punish children by taking away devices if they are posting things that are not approved by the parents. A strategy like this is probably even less beneficial as this would add a symbol of anger from the students part.

What do you all believe is the most beneficial way to teach children and teenagers about cyber safety?

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