Is Technology leading to an Equitable Society??

Technology is inevitable in our everyday lives. This is because life without technology is pointless in today’s dynamic world. Technology, which brings together tools to promote development, use and information exchange, has as its main objective of making tasks easier and the solving of many problems of mankind. When technology progresses and makes our lives even more convenient, we must stress how beneficial it is to our lives. Imagine life without technology Right now, what kind of life have we? Technology is part of our lives and is one of the key elements for mankind’s survival in a quick-phase world. The development of new technologies helps to save lives; it improves work and makes the world better. In reality, technology has played a very important role in how we live in the world today and how we communicate in the atmosphere with everything around us. Impact of technology is higher than that we expected. So we are developing new innovations to live in a better and standardized life. Some such technology helps some emerging countries to have a stronger infrastructure in place that also means better transportation, better schools, hospitals and other municipal services, and access to health care. Small and small businesses. As a result of technological advances, they are increasing and spreading across countries. It is innovation that gives the power to spread their wings to organizations. The positive impact of technology on society has brought change and helped us to reach new heights that have never before been conceived of. Nobody else has changed technology’s way of life, and that is precisely why technology is and will always be so important today. So Technology is important in our daily life in many ways that we cannot ignore purposefully.

The Unacceptable Persistence of the Digital Divide | MIT Technology Review

Even though there are a lot of things that we cannot ignore, which tech world provides us. However, The digital divide is a problem that affects people from all walks of life. It is a multifaceted issue, but two main characteristics define this gap: access to high-speed internet and access to reliable devices. Many of the individuals who struggle from the digital divide face both. In some areas, internet access is either limited, unavailable, or unaffordable for those who could be equipped. Even with a reliable internet connection, access to certain digital spaces can remain a challenge, always just out of reach for those who can’t afford costly tools like laptops and software. This leaves countless students and professionals to rely on public computers or their mobile devices as their only tools to exist in an increasingly digital world. It leaves many more, like those in rural areas or living under the poverty line, without even that. Also, coming from a country like India, makes me feel that we are lacking in technology as we have experienced a big shortcoming at the time of Pandemic, students from economic weaker sections were not able to take online classes because of non- availability of proper internet connection and many were not even having devices to attend classes. All in all even though technology is improving every day and everywhere but many are lacking resources to fulfill their technological needs.

“Technology and innovation must act as a means of just social change—to reduce social gaps and inequality, to ensure that every person on this planet has a chance to enjoy the fruits thereof, and to make the world a better place.”
Yoel Esteron

Thank you!!

Gunpreesh 🙂

5 thoughts on “Is Technology leading to an Equitable Society??

  1. Thank you so much for sharing your tech insightful blog. I totally agree with you. Technology has been able to solve many of the outstanding problems in our lives but the digital divide has created a new distinction basis in the society that has critically influenced the daily operations and livelihood of people globally. The ability to fully access the internet is creating disparity and segregation witnessed in different fields today. It is important to have equal access and fair regulation of digital technology which is designed to advance transparency, privacy, access to knowledge, and free expression for all people.

  2. Just wanted to say – such a great post- and I second Fasiha’s comment as well. I can’t say it much better than she did. Great insights from you both 🙂

  3. Technology has in fact done a lot for society in general. With advancements in technology comes medical advancements, access to information, and more. But there is a clear divide between who has access and who does not, thus leaving the gaps to widen. I think that there is a lot that needs to be done in order to bridge those gaps, but a lot of it has to start with policymakers, which can usually be a long process if even handled correctly. Thanks for your insightful blog. Lots to think about.

  4. Great post gunpreesh,
    Technology has changed the way we live, work and communicate and make our life easy. with the help of technology we can easily get information, communicate with our family members and friends. I agree digital divide is big problem but I think it will be solve with the help of government and private agencies.

  5. It was an insightful one. I know how frustrating it can be when your students are not able to take their classes because of the lack of resources. I too faced the same issue back there in India with my students. But whom to blame, Pandemic was indeed an emergency learning. No one was prepared for that and that has shown how technologically advanced we are. The responsibility does lie in the hands of the authorities to bridge this gap of the unequal division of resources.

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