Well, this week did not go as I had planned. Originally, I had hoped to explore some simple eye makeup looks for my cousin’s graduation but I did not have as much time to play with makeup as I had hoped. However, I was able to explore a few different sources this week.
Firstly, I did not have much time on June 10th, which resulted in me doing a simple cat eye wing. I did not follow a source for this look and forgot to take photos of the finished product.
On the 11th, I had some extra time to explore a new source on YouTube. I decided I wanted to do something bright this day, which led me to look for a blue eyeshadow look, as I have heard it is supposed to make brown eyes pop. In my search, I came across Savannah Sylver’s video and decided to give it a try.
This makeup look was fairly simple but I did not have enough blue shades to get it the same as Savannah’s. Although the look was simple to follow, I was not a huge fan of this video. I struggled to choose the shades I needed as she did not show which shades in the pallet she was using for each step, like other videos I have watched. This made colour matching even more difficult as I did not have the pallet she was using, nor see the colours to try and match it with what I had. I also struggled knowing where to put the shadows as she did not say and the video was not overly zoomed in.

For this day, I also took progression photos. Firstly, I took a photo of what my eyelid looked like primed with concealer, but not set with powder. By not setting it with powder, the lid remains tacky, which causes the shadows to appear brighter. However, setting it with powder can make the blending process smoother.

I then added my lightest blue all over the lid and along the lower lash line. This was my first mistake, as I needed the lightest blue later on in the look, not right at the start.

The next step was adding a slightly darker blue to the crease. I felt like doing this created a harsh line, as the blue I chose was brighter and darker than that on my crease. I also struggled with blending the colours out.

The third step was where I needed the lightest blue. However, I felt I saved this by using a shimmery aqua green on the inner corner.

I then used a makeup wipe to reduce how high the colour went on my eyelid, before adding a cat eyeliner.

Lastly, I added a silvery shimmer all over the lid to try and help tie the look together.

On the 12, I once again went to YouTube for inspiration. This day, I decided to try out a simple shadow look. This time, I came across Angela Bright’s video.
I, again, had a hard time with this look, but for my faults. I was at my parents this past week and did not bring many eyeshadow pallets with me. Thus, I did not have many options for neutral shades, resulting in a much darker eye look. I also used a silver shimmer for the look, which completely overpowered it. Aside from my faults, this video was really easy to follow. The creator explained where the shadows should go, showed which colour she was using for each step, and had the video zoomed in on her the entire time. Despite the video being good, I did not like the outcome of the look.

Upon taking a photo of the look, I immediately removed it and did a simple cat eye wing with a shimmery inner corner.

Lastly, on the 13th, I decided to try out a fun eyeliner, as I was not feeling up to doing eyeshadow. I chose to look at Pinterest as I find following a photo easier for eyeliner.

I found this pin a little harder to follow than others, as the filter on it made it difficult to see the wings. However, I liked the outcome of the liner.

This learning post is coming out earlier than I normally do as I do not think I will have time for makeup this weekend. However, if that changes, I will make an update to this post!