I Believe…

I Believe…

  • Every child matters.
  • Hands-on learning.
  • You learn learn something new everyday and in every situation.
  • Openness, discussion, and transparency.
  • Movement.
  • Using the students ideas and basing the learning off of their needs.
  • We learn from the sharing stories of experiences.
  • The children are always looking to you as a teacher to be a role model in their life. They are always watching.
  • The relationships that are made in the classroom have life-long effects on all the children.
  • Every success differs from person to person but they should all be celebrated equally.
  • Parent and community involvement in every child’s education is crucial.
  • A teacher is responsible for every child’s well-being in their classroom.
  • My journey to reconciliation is one that is not finished yet. It never will be.

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