Professional Writing

Professional Writing

ECS100 Assignment 1 – Autobiographical Reflective Paper

This assignment was to get a basis of who I am and what made me to become this way. It shows insight to how I came to my decision to becoming a teacher. This paper started with the sentence “My name is Isabel Wilson and I am going to be a teacher.” and ended with the sentence “We need more good teachers.” Throughout the paper it goes through my journey with my family, my community, my dancing career, and my schooling life before university. This paper is made of stories, and stories are the most effective teaching tool.

ECS100 Assignment 2 – Journey to Reconciliation

For this assignment there was an aesthetic representation as well as a reflective paper. The aesthetic portion of this assignment was open to creativity and any means of representing your journey however you want. I aesthetically represented my journey through dance. My friend Zoe wrote a song which was not necessarily written with reconciliation in mind, but this is how I interpreted it. After asking her permission, I made the routine and performed it at a local arts festival in Kenosee Lake. In my reflective paper I describe the piece I created and my reflection upon my journey. In the paper I highlight how my goal was to capture the hurt, loneliness, and discomfort of the First Nations people. In the paper I end it with “I think that this is where my journey starts, and will ultimately continue.”

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