Opening up about open ed
The topic of open education and the culture of sharing is so interesting. My blog today is a mix of thoughts that have been pacing in my brain for years and there are also aspects that are fresh from class earlier this week when we discussed open education. With...
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Leading doesn’t happen on the sidelines
Can online social media activism be meaningful and worthwhile? The short answer is yes, absolutely. But, here are my thoughts about it… With social media (SM) being an integral part of our current society’s means of influence, there is no doubt that using SM platforms for activism is a...
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This is not a Twitter diss track
When I first started teaching, Twitter was all the rage. So, I created a professional account to get involved and post some of the stuff my classroom and school was up to. Even with similar features (likes, reposts, replies) to other social media at that time (Facebook and Instagram),...
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Tik Tok: would recommend
Check out my vlog post for exploring Tik Tok. Here is the link to the parent control video I mention in it but couldn’t link in video....
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Relationship status: It’s complicated
The relationship status image feels like it really sums up my relationship with social media. There are endless complexities that come with social media’s presence in our lives. For me, I constantly grapple with my conflicting thoughts/actions/beliefs with social media. The battle to balance the relationship with social media...
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