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Author: Jordan Wenger

My Journey Towards Reconciliation

My Journey Towards Reconciliation

For my Journey Towards Reconciliation project I was asked to do an aesthetic and written response. Aesthetic Response For my Aesthetic response I decided to do an acrylic painting. The white bird represents European colonizers and the red bird represents Indigenous people. The branch is the sociological divide between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada that has been put in place by colonial culture. In the painting the white bird is allowed to be free and achieve anything, they are…

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How Can Teachers Capitalize Off of Participatory Culture?

How Can Teachers Capitalize Off of Participatory Culture?

If you were to walk into a grade 8 classroom today, you would be greeted with thirty pre-teens doing TikTok dances at what seems to be random and inappropriate moments. What you might not know is that this is a product of participatory culture. As a result of the internet becoming a central component of our lives, a new type of culture has arisen: participatory culture. In Michael Welsch’s lecture, “An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube”, Wesch discusses how instead of…

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Challenge Accepted

Challenge Accepted

This week I wanted to bake something that was beyond my skill set. After some internet searching, I came across this video on how to make a checkerboard cake. I decided to take some liberty in a few things in order to work with the ingredients I already had. Recipe Cake I used Duncan Hines French Vanilla Cake Mix. I only used one box. Ingredients 1 Cup Water (I used almond milk instead because my mother-in-law said it tastes really…

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Mmm… cookies

Mmm… cookies

This week I wanted to bake a recipe that was popularized by the internet. After doing a quick google search I found Bon Appetit’s recipe for Salted Butter Chocolate Chunk Shortbread. Recipe Ingredients 2 1/4 Sticks Cold Salted Butter (Cut into 1/2 in.pieces) 1/2 Cup Granulated Sugar 1/4 Cup Packed Light Brown Sugar 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract 1 1/4 Cup All-Purpose Flour 6 Ounces Semi-Sweet Chocolate Demerara Sugar (for rolling) Flaky Sea Salt Instructions Using an electric mixer and a…

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Learning From The Pro

Learning From The Pro

This week my goal was to bake something with an experienced baker. The best baker/cook I know is my mother-in-law. I texted her and we planned a day for me to come visit her. When I asked her what her favorite thing to make is, she said carrot cake; so we made carrot cake! Recipe Cake Ingredients 2 Cups Brown Sugar (Packed) 4 Eggs 2 Cups Flour 2 Teaspoons Baking Powder 1 1/2 Cups Canola Oil 3 Cups Raw Grated…

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Is twitter safe to use as a classroom tool?

Is twitter safe to use as a classroom tool?

I have fairly limited experience with Twitter and have not used it much. In high school, I managed the SRC Twitter account, but that is as far as my experience goes prior to being a part of EDTC 300. Twitter in The Classroom Prior to this class, I never considered Twitter to be useful as a classroom tool. However, after using it as a resource for this class I have reconsidered. After a class discussion, I went to everyone’s best…

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Going Back to My Roots

Going Back to My Roots

This week my goal was to bake something that I am familiar with to adequately gage my current skills set. The first thing that came to mind was to make my great-grandma’s apple pie. My Inspiration While growing up, every August the women in my family would go to the farm for the weekend to make pies and do some canning. It was always a really special experience for me and I hold onto those memories. In the weekend we…

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The Importance of Place, Place-Consciousness, and Respect for Place

The Importance of Place, Place-Consciousness, and Respect for Place

The Importance of Place The idea that place is of importance is not a new concept to me. As a child, the importance of place was taught to me by my family. This value was introduced to me through our experiences at the family farm. My family’s farm is a place that means a lot to me. In the mid-1920s, my great-great-grandparents bought the land after immigrating to Canada from Norway, and right now, the farm is owned by my…

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Scheduling Education for Some Major Changes

Scheduling Education for Some Major Changes

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the world and is leaving many questions in its wake. One of the most major aspects of the effects of the pandemic is how it has affected learning and teaching and how it will continue to change teaching and learning in the future. A main point of discussion currently is that we are at a turning point in history. As the world recovers from the pandemic, it is obvious that many decisions will have to…

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Let’s Start Baking

Let’s Start Baking

For my learning project, I have decided to cultivate my non-existent baking skills. As of now, almost everything that I bake ends in disaster. I think that the largest reason for this is because I struggle following specific directions, I am bad at completing specific measurements and I love to tweak recipes or leave out important ingredients out of convenience. For these reasons, my goal of this learning project is to improve on all of these things. Here is my…

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