Social Studies Lesson (Pre-Internship)

Lesson Description:

This is an introduction lesson to natural resources. Students will learn what natural resources are, the importance of natural resources, and so on. Students will also differentiate between a natural resource and a product of a natural resource.

What went well:

  • Students were very engaged: raising their hands, participating in the activity, and filling out the exit slip appropriately.
  • Walking around the classroom and speaking worked well because proximity to students makes them alert when the teacher is near.
  • The students were very eager to learn more about the lesson.
  • Bringing up relatable topics such as Minecraft and Mr. Beast engaged them to pay attention to the lesson.
  • Relating the topic to Saskatchewan (i.e., talking about Saskatchewan resources) engaged the students.
  • Bringing up historical facts such as the story behind Saskatchewan’s abundance of potash engaged them as well.

What could be improved:

  • Improve my teacher’s voice.
  • Walking around: walk around but not all the time. Stop from time to time and/or stand in front if pointing out some content from the PPT.

PDF version of the lesson plan below:

Natural Resources Lesson

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