Day: June 8, 2022

NOTHING is Private These Days

Cybersleuthing was quite the experience. I did a basic google search on my classmate and it turns out she has a common name. I found a bunch of pages that had her name, but it wasn’t her. I scrolled to the bottom of the google search page and that...
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Why Aren’t Cookies Called Bakies??

This week I wanted to make something and have someone else try it! Sort of like a little test for myself! I decided I would bake cookies and bring them for coffee at work! ?? I’ve baked before but I’ve never been a big baker! Usually I buy the...
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Navigating Our Digital World

Digital Citizenship is something I have never heard about before, but I wish I had. Technology and a digital world are becoming more and more common. Our world is becoming more and more dominated by technology so understanding digital citizenship is very very important.  When I was growing up...
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