My Contributions to Others

April 15, 2024 0 By Kelsey Haas

To be totally honest, I wish I would have done more in the community involvement aspect of this class. I started out strong by replying to people’s posts each week, then I started slacking once my workload got heavier and when I was in my 3 week pre-internship. I commented on peoples posts and missed some weeks but I have tried to make up for them now. Here is a link to screenshots of some of my comments I have made on peoples posts. This document doesn’t contain all the comments I have made because I didn’t keep track of them from the beginning so I wasn’t able to find them all because if I went through every post to look, it would take an extremely long time. 

As for the community discord part, I really didn’t contribute that much. I was never on my phone the second someone asked a question and someone else was always very fast to answer it and I didn’t just want to say the exact same thing so I only contributed once when I had a different answer than someone else to someone’s question. 

Overall, I wish I would have contributed more than what I did. For some reason, it never even crossed my mind to reply to people who commented on my posts but I feel like it would have been a lot better if I did…. more conversation like.