• Teaching Philosophy

    Teaching Philosophy

    Welcome educators! I invite you to join me in a transformative educational space where knowledge is not just shared but kindled. Today, I share my teaching philosophy, a beacon that will guided my educational journey.

    I firmly believe that the classroom is a haven where curiosity is nurtured, creativity is cherished, and critical thinking is honed. Each student is a unique individual with their own experiences, viewpoints, and potential, which I am dedicated to unlocking, one mind at a time.

    Central to my teaching philosophy is the concept of active learning. Education is a vibrant, interactive process that ignites a passion for knowledge rather than merely imparting facts. I endeavor to cultivate an atmosphere where students are encouraged to question, challenge, and engage with the material meaningfully.

    In my classroom, I do not stand as the sole source of knowledge but rather as a facilitator, guiding students through the vast sea of information. Student-centered learning is paramount, fostering active participation and essential skills such as collaboration, communication, and problem-solving.

    Diversity and inclusion are fundamental pillars of my philosophy. Every student brings a unique narrative and perspective to the table, and it is my duty to create a safe, inclusive environment where all feel valued. By celebrating differences and recognizing the strength in diverse backgrounds, we create a richer learning environment.

    Feedback is crucial for growth and improvement. I prioritize providing constructive feedback to students while encouraging a culture of mutual respect and continuous learning through peer feedback.

    My teaching philosophy stems from a deep belief in the transformative power of education. I aim to instill a lifelong love for learning, nurture critical thinking skills, and foster an environment where every student can flourish.

    Together, let us embark on this journey of enlightenment, remembering that education not only prepares students for the future but also shapes it. Let’s ignite the flame of knowledge and witness it spreading, one mind at a time.

    Keep exploring, keep learning, and above all, keep inspiring.

    Wishing you joy and success in your teaching endeavors!

  • EDTC 300,  Learning Project

    Knot Your Average Week…

    Embark on a journey with me as I dive into the world of macramé, exploring the art of knot-making and (attempting again…) creating a stunning wall hanging piece.

    This week, I decided to revisit my macramé, armed with newfound determination and a promise to myself: to slow down, breathe, and watch my knots unravel with precision and grace.

    As I settled into my space, I embarked on my project with a renewed sense of focus. Each knot became a deliberate goal between cord and my hands. Taking extra time to watch my knots was a game-changer. I observed each twist and turn with a keen eye, savoring the rhythmic process of creation.

    DIY macrame wall hanging on a branch using laundry cord. The branch is hung against a shiplap wall

    As the days passed and my wall hanging began to take shape, I marveled at the beauty that emerged from my patient hands. The intricate patterns and delicate textures came together to form a piece that was not just a decoration, but a reflection of my dedication and passion for the craft.

    In the end, my journey through this weeks macramé taught me an invaluable lesson: sometimes, the most profound beauty lies in the act of slowing down, in taking the time to watch, to breathe, and to savor each moment of creation. So, I urge you to pick up your cords, untangle your knots, and embark on your own macramé adventure. Who knows what wonders you may create when you take that extra moment to watch your knots.

  • EDTC 300,  Learning Project

    Crafting My Own Teacher’s Lanyard for Roadways Literacy Academy

    Hello fellow educators!! I have amazing news! I begin a new job quite sooner!! I will be starting a new job teaching grade 3 at Roadways Literacy Academy in Saskatoon, I wanted to add a personal touch to my daily routine. So, I decided to make a custom lanyard, not just as a practical item for my ID cards and keys, but as a symbol of my new journey. I  made sure I picked a durable nylon cord that could handle daily wear and tear, choosing white to provide a neutral tone and to look professional. This lanyard had to be sturdy, comfortable to wear, and stylish.

    My design aimed for both style and function. I wanted a lanyard that would grab attention and maybe even spark some fun chats with students and staff. I decided on a square knot pattern, which is both strong and visually interesting.

    The Making Process: Patience and Excitement

    As I weaved the cords into a braid, I felt a mix of patience and excitement. This wasn’t just about making a lanyard, it was about preparing for a new chapter with enthusiasm and care. The rhythm of knotting was calming, much like the rhythm I hoped to find in my new classroom.

    When I finished, I noticed that it wasn’t perfect. Some parts were a little uneven. But these imperfections didn’t bother me. Instead, they made the lanyard special, just like the unique journey I was about to start with my students.

    Macrame lanyardMacrame Lanyard

    Making this lanyard was like a mini-lesson in what’s to come. It taught me patience and reminded me of the detailed planning that teaching requires. It was a small, personal project, but it felt significant.

    P.S. I spent less than $5 on this DIY lanyard, saving money and creating something one-of-a-kind. It’s not something you can buy off a shelf, it’s tailored just for me and my new job.

    A Message to Fellow Educators

    To other teachers and craft lovers, remember that the things you make yourself are more than just objects. They’re reflections of your passion and commitment. This lanyard isn’t just a tool for my job, it’s a reminder of the start of an exciting adventure at Roadways Literacy Academy.

    Happy crafting, and best wishes for your own new beginnings!

  • EDTC 300,  Learning Project

    Fiber to Function: My First Wall-Hanging Macramé Piece

    In the world of macramé, where every knot tells a story and every thread adds to the creativity, I decided to embark on a new adventure. This week, I stepped out of my comfort zone of creating small, decorative items and ventured into the realm of larger, more functional pieces. My goal? To design and craft my first-ever wall-hanging macramé piece.

    The journey began with the selection of materials. I opted for my usual material cords, which have been chosen for their unique texture and strength. However, this time I used a cord that was thicker than my usual choice. The design was simple yet bold, featuring a series of interconnected knots that would hang gracefully on the wall.

    As I worked on the piece, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement. Each knot tied and each strand looped was a step closer to creating something that would not only look good but also serve a purpose. As I finally finished the wall hanging and hung it up for the first time. However, as I stepped back to admire my work, I realized that while the piece looked good, it wasn’t quite what I had envisioned. The knots weren’t as tight as I would have liked, and the overall design felt a bit too simple. Despite these shortcomings, there was a certain charm to the piece. It had character, and more importantly, it was handmade with love and care.macrame wall hanging piece

    Reflecting on this experience, I realized that the beauty of macramé lies not just in the end product, but in the journey of creation. Every knot tied and every strand looped is a step towards something beautiful, even if it doesn’t turn out exactly as planned. This project was more than just a first attempt at a wall-hanging piece, it was a learning experience that has encouraged me to push the boundaries of my creativity and take on more challenging projects.

    I cannot stress enough the cost-effectiveness of making my own wall hanging and how much of a bonus it is! I spent approximately $7.00 on materials, a fraction of what I would have paid for a similar piece in a store. And the best part? I could customize it to my liking, ensuring it was unique and personal.

    This experience has ignited a passion for creating more complex macramé pieces. It’s opened my eyes to the endless possibilities of this craft and has encouraged me to take on more challenges that push the limits of my creativity.

    To all fellow macramé enthusiasts out there, whether you’re creating small, decorative items or larger, more functional pieces, remember that every knot you tie is a step towards something beautiful. Happy knotting to all!

  • EDTC 300

    Unraveling the Mystery of Digital Citizenship: A Journey Through the Classroom

    Welcome, dear readers, to a thrilling tale of adventure, education, and the digital frontier. In this blog post, we’ll embark on a journey through time, exploring how cyber safety and digital citizenship have been approached in education, and how we can navigate the waters of the online world with grace and wisdom.

    Imagine, a time not so long ago when the internet was a mysterious, untamed wilderness. My friends, we were shown graphic videos of the dangers that lurked online, from cyberbullies to digital thieves, with the intention of scaring us into submission. While these tales certainly made an impact, they often left us feeling more like frightened villagers than brave explorers of the digital realm.

    But fear not, for there was also a glimmer of hope in the form of education into proper use of technology. We were taught the basics of internet safety, such as not sharing personal information online and being cautious of strangers. However, like a treasure map with missing pieces, this education lacked the comprehensive knowledge and skills needed to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly.

    Fast forward to the present, and we find ourselves at a crossroads. As educators, we have the power to shape the way our students interact with technology. We can choose to rely on scare tactics, or we can equip them with the tools and knowledge to use technology in a positive and productive way.

    In my classroom, I’ve decided to take the path less traveled, focusing on a holistic approach to digital citizenship. I want to create a space where students can explore the digital world with confidence, knowing that they are equipped to handle whatever challenges they may face.

    9 elements of digital citizenship photo
    Image from: https://agpartseducation.com/9-elements-of-digital-citizenship/

    To achieve this, I’ve decided to integrate the 9 elements of digital citizenship into my curriculum. Picture this: a curriculum that not only warns of the dangers but also celebrates the opportunities that the digital world offers. A curriculum that encourages students to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in the online community.

    To support this journey, I’ve gathered a treasure trove of resources, including the article “9 Elements of Digital Citizenship” by Digital Citizenship Institute, which provides a comprehensive guide to navigating the digital world. And let’s not forget “Digital Citizenship: The Internet, Society, and Participation” by the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University, which offers insights into the broader implications of digital citizenship.

    Overall, the approach to cyber safety and digital citizenship in education is a journey filled with challenges and opportunities. By embracing a balanced approach that emphasizes education and awareness, we can empower our students to become responsible digital citizens. So, let’s set sail on this adventure together, armed with knowledge, courage, and a sense of wonder. The digital world awaits, and together, we can conquer it.

    Until next time, keep exploring, keep learning, and most importantly, keep safe in the digital frontier.

    Happy surfing!

  • EDTC 300,  Learning Project

    A Dog Toy Tale – Strength in Knots

    This week in my EDTC 300 Learning Project, I veered off the beaten path of decorative macramé and ventured into the practical realm of pet accessories. I have noticed every week that my young puppy is extremely fascinated by my cords and always wants to play with them. So I wanted to see what I could create for him. My mission? To craft a sturdy macramé dog toy that could withstand the enthusiastic play of my furry friend. This project wasn’t just about creating something cute and whimsical; it was a real-world test of the durability of my macramé work.

    As always, the journey began with setting up my workspace. The familiar spot by the window, which has seen many a macramé piece come to life, was ready for action. I had to choose the right materials for this job — something that would be both safe for my dog and robust enough to endure a game of tug-of-war.  Knotting a dog toy required a different approach than my previous decorative items. This time, I focused heavily on the strength of the knots. I employed half hitch knots with multiple cords, known for their sturdiness. As I worked, I felt a newfound respect for the functional aspect of macramé. Each knot had to be tight and secure, each measurement precise, to ensure the toy’s durability.

    Dog waiting for toy Dog toy

    The Ultimate Test: Playtime

    With the final knot in place, the moment of truth arrived. It was time to introduce the macramé dog toy to its toughest critic: my 8 month old puppy. The simplicity of the design, a braided style rope loop with loose ends. I held my breath as I handed it over…. To my delight, the toy passed with flying colors. It withstood pulling, chewing, and all manner of canine shenanigans. Watching my dog play with the toy, I couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride. Not only had I created something that brought joy to my pet, but I had also proven the resilience of macramé. (he carried this toy around EVERYWHERE!)

    Now… this was my first dog toy style and there are some things I would fix, but overall I am happy with how it turned out!

    This project was a departure from my usual macramé work, but it taught me an invaluable

    lesson: macramé isn’t just about beauty; it’s about function, too. The satisfaction of watching my dog enjoy a handmade toy was different from the pleasure of crafting a decorative piece. It was a tangible demonstration of the practical applications of my newly honed skills. I definitely will be making more! As I look back on this experience, I’m struck by the versatility of macramé. It’s a craft that blends aesthetics with utility, and every piece, whether a plant hanger or a dog toy, is a testament to the strength and adaptability of simple knots. This week’s project might have been a small step for me in the vast world of macramé, but it was a giant leap in understanding the potential of these knotty endeavors.

    P.S. this was such a fantastic way to make toys for my dogs in a very cost effective way. It costed me approximately $4.00 in material for this toy, rather than significantly more for the same style rope toy at a store. AND an extra bonus is that I can wash it!! Needless to say I am excited to take on more functional style challenges!! 


    Until next time, happy knotting to all!

  • EDTC 300,  Learning Project

    Leveling Up in Macramé with WeVideo Magic

    Hey there, fellow educators and learners! Today, we’re diving into the world of Macramé and the editing tool WeVideo. This is a video editing platform I found on the recommended list for this class. Hold onto your hats because we’ve got some pros, some cons, and a whole lot of fun facts to uncover about this tool.


    • User-Friendly Interface: This tool offers a friendly platform that makes it easy for both beginners and seasoned pros to video edit with relative ease. Everything is labeled well, easy to find and has a variety of options for all users.
    • Seamless Classroom Integration: Specifically for educators, this tool provides the ability for student/educator creativity, allowing you to engage with the SAMR model through basic video projects and collaborative storytelling.


    • Not-So-Free Fun….: Here’s the kicker….while the basic controls are free, most templates and advanced features come with a price tag. Yep, you read that right. If you’re hoping for a plethora of freebies, you might have to rethink your strategy.
    • Continuous glitching: Unfortunately during my editing experience, I struggled with an extreme amount of glitches, which did not allow me to explore the tool to the extent I wish I could. Due to this, my video was forced to be quite simple.

    Educators, Are You Ready for the SAMR Adventure?

    For educators seeking to integrate WeVideo into their classroom, I do believe the platform offers a compelling approach for student engagement, allowing them to explore the SAMR model. But beware, my fellow educators, for the path to full creative freedom may require navigating through a forest of premium features.

    SAMR diagram
    Image from: https://www.powerschool.com/blog/samr-model-a-practical-guide-for-k-12-classroom-technology-integration/

    Here are a few ways to add this video editing platform into your educational adventures:

    • Creative Storytelling Opportunities: Encourage students to embark on creative storytelling journeys with WeVideo. The platform offers students the ability to bring their stories to life through video projects.
    • Collaborative Creations: Unite your students in collaborative video projects.
    • Digital Presentations and Projects: Elevate traditional presentations by allowing students to create dynamic digital presentations using WeVideo.

    Now for my favorite part…..

    Ah, the art of macramé – Join me as I take you through this week’s personal experience of creating a macramé bottle holder before I dove into the world of WeVideo to capture this journey.

    Another enchanting week has passed in my macramé odyssey, and I am thrilled to share the latest chapter in my knotty adventures. This time, I ventured to create a macramé bottle holder, aiming to level up from my previous projects and infuse a touch of creativity into my space.

    Before diving into this endeavor, I prepared my creative space (as usual), ensuring that the cords were securely fastened to a stable anchor, much like my previous projects. As I progressed into this next project, I encountered a delightful blend of lessons and unexpected surprises. This time every challenge I encountered was measurement related…. Next week I think I am going to try a measuring app to see if that will be more accurate. Despite my measurement twists and turns, the cords turned into a whimsical bottle holder and filled me with a profound sense of accomplishment. Testing my creation with an empty bottle, I reveled in the satisfaction of crafting something different!

    A Personal and Whimsical WeVideo Adventure
    Crafting a macramé bottle holder became more than a creative task: it became a personal expression in the form of a magical video journey. WeVideo, with its enchanting features, transformed my personal experience into a visual tale, capturing the artistry and tranquility of my macramé.

    Here’s to another week of crafting and creative discoveries in the art of macramé! Until we meet again, may your own creative endeavors be filled with joy, and inspiration..

    Happy crafting!

  • EDTC 300,  Learning Project

    Knotty Adventures….A Whimsical Week in Macramé

    Ah, another exciting week is complete in my macramé journey, and I’m eager to share the latest mission in my knotty endeavors. This time around, I embarked on a delightful project, crafting a macramé plant hanger with a whimsical twist—no tassels at the bottom—and even dared to create a charming macramé owl to adorn my space. I wanted to take the things I learned last week and try leveling them up to something bigger and better!

    As I searched through various crafting resources, I stumbled upon a captivating macramé plant hanger pattern that immediately piqued my interest. I felt the absence of tassels at the bottom lent a modern touch to the design, and the prospect of fashioning a macramé owl filled me with a sense of anticipation. With a burst of enthusiasm, I decided to dive headfirst into this new challenge.

    Before commencing my first endeavor, I ensured that my workspace was primed for creativity, meticulously securing the cords to a stable anchor (same window area as last week). Armed with cords and a vision of a charming owl, I began the knotting process, feeling less reliant on external tutorials and more at home with the rhythmic dance of the square knot. Honestly, I am impressed with my end product, even though it does not look identical to the reference in the video… It makes a super cute, different wall-hanging piece!

    Owl Macrame hanging

    My next project unfolded with lessons and surprises. As I followed the pattern’s instructions, I couldn’t resist injecting a touch of my creativity, adorning the design with a dash of personal flair. Throughout this learning project, I have found I use this as a new destressing method. When I knot I can forget about all the negative things around me! Amidst the playful twists and turns, the transformation of cords into a whimsical plant hanger filled me with a sense of achievement. Testing my creation with an empty pot, I reveled in the satisfaction of my new functional piece of art.

    plant hanger hanging on the window Plant hanger bottom

    As I reflect on this whimsical week in my macramé journey, I’m reminded that each project is an opportunity to infuse a bit of magic into everyday life. The challenges and triumphs along the way create a more satisfying feeling once I am finished.

  • EDTC 300

    Technology in the classroom…A balancing act!

    In the dynamic landscape of our digital age, the interactions among teens/young adults with digital platforms have undergone a profound shift. The latest study from the Pew Research Center reveals that apps such as TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram are becoming staples in the lives of younger generations. In Wesch’s video, we are offered a glimpse into the profound impact of online communities, particularly focusing on YouTube. Wesch’s exploration sheds light on the transformation of human connections in the digital age, emphasizing the creation of relationships across the globe. This video encourages us all to consider the implications for the future of education and the imperative role of educators in guiding students. This ever-growing trend shows the urgency for educators to evolve alongside the digital world to shape the future of education effectively.

    As a former student, I recall a time when the art of building connections and friendships was entirely an in-person affair. The rise of technology had just begun, yet the personal touch of face-to-face communication remained my preferred approach. Back then, technology’s role in school was confined to the computer lab or at home; our interactions were direct and actively engaged, highlighting how traditional education models were firmly rooted in physical presence, with online relationships left on the periphery. But now, technology has unleashed an unmatched potential for global connections. It’s become increasingly important to model/guide our students toward forging meaningful online relationships but also how to navigate the digital world.

    list of 20 Tech tips for teacher
    Image is from: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/top-20-tech-tips-for-teachers/

    During our class discussions, one solution proposed was the creation of a monitored online space for young students to interact. Such a space could create digital friendships and serve as a platform for teaching crucial lessons on responsible online behavior. However, there’s a potential downside: the risk of superficial connections under the watchful eye of teachers. Reflecting on my junior high years at a private school where laptops were provided and monitored, I witnessed how some students would push boundaries, seek attention, or resort to insincerity, sometimes resulting in negative online interactions off school grounds. I hope that a well-designed space for student interaction will promote healthy digital relationships, as opposed to becoming a battleground for testing limits.

    The Pew Research Center’s findings point to a pressing need for digital literacy and responsible online engagement, placing educators in the role of mentors. Introducing mediated online connection platforms in early education could instill the value of a positive online presence well before the teen years. Yet, educators face challenges, such as managing screen time and guiding students through the vast, unregulated online world. Balancing screen time with physical movement, an element I’m passionate about as a graduate in Health and Physical Education is essential. A moderated approach could offer insights into student digital habits and help integrate physical activity into learning.

    This responsibility extends to educators and parents alike, tasked with the balance of integrating technology, teaching online skills, managing screen time, and maintaining physical activity levels. The solution is not straightforward and requires a willingness to embrace change and stay attuned to students’ needs. As technology advances, the best strategy is to remain adaptable, continuously seeking what’s best for our students. After all, as they learn and grow, so do we as educators in this ever-evolving educational landscape.

  • EDTC 300,  Learning Project

    Leveling Up: From Doubt to Delight!

    For this week of my macramé learning journey, I wanted to start with a project that I felt was manageable for a beginner, however after reading the comments on my last post, I wanted to try something a little bigger! So I chose a simple macramé plant hanger pattern I found on a crafting blog titled Jenny Lemons DIY Macramé Plant Hangers. The pattern was labeled as easy, which honestly gave me confidence that I could take it on. I quickly glanced over the instructions before I started, only to begin doubting my decisions, it seemed complex yet simple and I truly was a little worried about if it would work out. The main technique was called the square knot, which seemed to be a basic yet essential part of most macramé art. This article showed step-by-step photos to help teach the pattern. Last week I relied on videos to help teach me, however, this resource required me to give a little more attention to the task. This experience is all about learning new things and stepping outside of my comfort zone to create something beautiful. So rather than sitting and worrying about if I was good enough to try something more advanced I decided to go for it!

    Before I began to knot, I set up my workspace. The guide suggested attaching the cords to a stable anchor or taping it down. With the length of these strings, I was not able to simply tape it down on my desk, I spent close to 20 minutes trying to find the perfect spot to hang the strings. I noticed a 3M hook on our front window that we use for holiday décor and that it would be perfect, and I was right! I remembered from last week how important it is to have a good setup before starting a macramé project to avoid a tangled mess, so I am thankful I found a perfect spot. I then measured and cut out all the cords I needed, following the guide, and attached them to a 2-inch wooden loop with a gathering knot. From here I began knotting. Once I began I noticed I did not look or need further instruction! I started knotting and just kept going until it was complete.

    A lesson I learned from this macramé project was that I need to trust my own creativity and continue to challenge myself. Instructions tend to include very specific, crucial details that are easy to overlook, but I took the time to review them at the start and this led to a successful plant hanger. For instance, the pattern started with instructions to tie a gathering knot to secure the cords. Then, it said to start the square knots, which I did, but I added some extra flair. I found spare wooden loops and decided to get a little extra creative this week. Thankfully, this did not ruin the overall project, but I can imagine that adding such a detail could be problematic in more intricate designs.

    I was slightly nervous as I continued tying knots, worried that I might have missed an important step. This anxiety faded when I saw the plant hanger taking shape. My room was slowly being transformed by this new creation, which felt incredibly rewarding. I was honestly ecstatic when I finished; it looked exactly like the picture in the tutorial! I hung an empty pot in it to test my creation, and it fit just right. I was thrilled with the outcome of this first week of my macramé project, and I am eager to continue improving my skills.

    P.S. I don’t think I’ve ever been this excited about a homework assignment before.

    Macramé plant hanger with a pot in it Macramé plant hanger without a pot in it