Week 4

Week 4

I believe there is quite a bit of diversity in the classroom I am in. The biggest and most obvious form of diversity is the different personalities of all the kids in the classroom. There are kids who are quiet and keep to themselves, others who are quite outgoing, always asking and answering questions. There is also a mix of different places where these kids are from, some live in the city, small communties in the area, or others that live on farms or acreages. What I really like about this class is everyone is friends with each other. At recess, when my cooperating teacher and I are on supervision duty I see the kids play with someone different every day. Within the whole school, they did a project called a freedom quilt where each member of the staff and every student was to draw what they thought freedom is onto a small square of quilting fabric, which they put together and made a quilt out of. I feel diversity was expressed greatly in this project, seeing what everyone thought was really neat. An interesting assignment the students worked on this week was talking about who was the most important person in the school and why, and then they were to write a letter to this individual. Seeing all the answers, I felt gave me more insight into the students and helped me to learn a bit more about each one. I am really enjoying my time spent at the school each week, and it is especially nice to hear that the students look forward to my visits.

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