Autobiographical Reflective Paper
I was never one of those people that always knew what they wanted to do from a young age. I remember wanting to be a veterinarian, nurse, and a rancher but, looking back I do recall playing school (I was always the teacher) with my Grandmother and my younger brother when she would babysit the two of us. However, I never seriously entertained the possibility of a career path in Education until this past year. Around this past Christmas, I was heavily contemplating whether or not to apply to Nursing School or Education when my Dad fell on some ice doing our neighbour’s chores and dislocated his shoulder. Now, I’m not sure if this bothered me so much because I have a soft spot for my Dad or if it truly did terrify me. Either way, that was the evening I made my decision and started my application to the Elementary BEd Program at the University of Regina.
I grew up and currently live on a farm near Waldeck SK, approximately fifteen minutes from Swift Current SK. Growing up in an agricultural-based community on the prairies has instilled many important values and principles into my life. I have learned about hard work, appreciation for the land, and what it means to be responsible for other lives on the farm. From a young age, my parents also stressed values such as respect for all other forms of life, generosity, leadership, and dependability. Through agriculture, I have also gotten the opportunity to be apart of the 4-H Beef program in the Burnham 4-H Community Club for the past fourteen years. There are so many things that I have gotten the chance to learn about that I believe I wouldn’t have if not for 4-H. I have gotten to sit on the executive board of our club as a President and a Vice-President where I have learned how to run a business meeting and follow an agenda. I took on the role of the secretary for the past three years where I have learned to roll call, give the minutes of the last meeting, and take detailed notes during a meeting. I’ve also been a reporter for the club where I report a piece to the local newspaper every month as well as being a district representative, representing our club at the district meetings held in Swift Current twice a year.

I also have gotten to meet some amazing families through 4-H, some, in particular, I now consider my family and couldn’t imagine my life without them in it. This past year as the oldest senior member I got the chance to also be a junior leader where I helped lead project meetings, and create lesson plans and questionnaires to help teach the younger members. I believe the leadership role that I took on this past year helped spark the revelation and uncover that education was something that I was really interested in and something to seriously consider. The kids are the real reasons I love 4-H so much. My favourite quote is “No man stands so tall as when he stoops to help a child.” – James Dobson. I really feel this quote is so relevant because never in my life has something been so rewarding than seeing a child gain confidence in themselves, and be so proud of their project they have worked so hard on. I also believe that the 4-H pledge we say at the start of every meeting and 4-H event has significant value and connection to essentially what I am pledging as a Future Educator. I vow to give myself to something bigger than I am, always help those in need, use my able hands to give back to my community, and live a healthy life and be my best self. Overall, what 4-H has taught me and the opportunities it has given me are invaluable.

Another major influence and inspiration to choose a career path in Education was the ten years I spent attending Waldeck Elementary and Junior High School from Kindergarten through Grade Nine. I have many fond memories of drawing and playing dress-up at “center time” in Kindergarten all the way through our four-night camping trip as a Grade Nine class camping at Anglin Lake SK and touring the Battle of Batoche. There were many creative learning opportunities and always the chance to do extracurricular activities whether it was sports teams (volleyball, basketball, badminton, track and field), spelling bees, field trips, band, or a chance to perform in talent shows and the annual Christmas concert. I graduated Grade Nine with a class of thirteen including myself, ten of which I went to school with since Kindergarten. The teacher-student relationships I created going to Waldeck School have also played a major role in my decision to take this career path. The one teacher that has had a profound impact on my life has been Mr. Harv Martinez. Mr. M is an amazing individual who took the time out of his day to be involved in and head many school and community activities. He is also a man of great character, always willing to lend an ear or a helping hand to anyone in need. This past year while applying to University and for scholarships I needed help on my applications. Although I have not been a student of his for five years he was happy to take time out of his busy schedule as a principal and a teacher to assist me with what I was struggling with. I have also learned from him about character, leadership, empowerment, and also what being passionate about your career looks like. I aspire not only to be the calibre of educator Mr. Martinez was but, to also take the many important things he has taught and showed me and share those with my future students. He was the one that taught me about the importance of moulding and shaping kids to not only be great students but even better people, and that is a teaching philosophy that I certainly intend use in the future.

In the end, there are many things that have shaped me into the person I am today and have inspired me to currently be on this career path. I am forever grateful for Agriculture, 4-H, and Waldeck School and its staff for giving me perspective and a different vision for life. I hope to use what I have already learned and what I will learn in the future to spark change, and to inspire those of the next generation. I am so very excited to be starting this next chapter of my life.