Week 5

Week 5

This week I got to see diversity in a different way by seeing how other teachers teach their students. While my class was at the library, I went and sat in on grade 4 guided math. This was a new concept to me as it didn’t exist when I went to elementary school. I really loved this idea because it allowed the teacher to split the class in half and work on the new materials in a smaller group. This also gave students the opportunity to ask questions that the teacher was able to answer right away which isn’t always possible in a larger group. Then the students in my grade 1/2 class had guided reading. They work on new reading and writing materials every week. This week, I really noticed an improvement in one of the groups of students who had really been struggling. After guided reading, the 1/2 class worked on their social studies where they discussed important jobs in our community such as firefighters, the bank, and doctors. Overall, I really enjoyed getting the chance to see how differently each teacher taught and about some of the things that they use to help make their jobs a bit easier.

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