Nail Day

For my learning project, I decided to learn to use polygel extensions. It’s a process of extending and shaping the natural nails using a special type of gel. I’ve already done a lot of research on which brand to buy and how to use them, and my kit is scheduled to arrive tomorrow!

This is something I’ve always wanted to learn because it is very expensive to get them done at a salon. It’s much more budget-friendly to do them myself, especially since I love hands-on projects. This might not be a skill that will be useful in life, but it is definitely something that can save a lot of money.

For my learning journey, I’m going to be recording my progress every time I do my nails on this page. I’ll be including pictures of the process and the finished product, as well as things to work on or change for the next nail day.

On my first try, I will definitely go for a simple almond shape because I don’t expect good results. This will definitely be a trial and error journey to get used to the perfect way of doing them, but I’m very excited for improvements!

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