Drum Roll, Please! – Learning Project Week One
For my learning project, I choose to learn the drums. This Christmas, my sister, and cousin gifted me a drum set. I have not started learning the drums yet and this project came up and thought what a great motivation! So, I am very excited to get started and pursue this skill. The reason I wanted to learn the drums in the first place, is when I was younger I saw a drummer at my sister’s music recital and thought it was the coolest thing ever! When I asked my family, I was told that playing the drums was not very “lady-like”. I was so discouraged from thereon. I did try learning the piano, clarinet, and guitar, but I never left connected to any of them and gave them up easily. Now I am excited and encouraged to learn something that I always wanted to learn!
My Goals
I have two goals for this semester. My first goal is to practice at least twenty minutes per day. I learned from my past band teacher that if we practiced twenty minutes per day, we would be excellent at our instruments at the end of the year. My goal for the end of this semester to learn the complete song “Creep” by Radiohead. This is one of my all-time favorite songs! So I wanted to learn this song first, but I will take any song’s suggestions!
To start my project, I will need to learn all the parts of the drum kit, which drumsticks I will be needing, hand positions, and all the basics. As I am self-teaching, I will be relying on online resources. If you know any good resources about drumming, please reach out!
Resources I am using to learn the drums are:
- Learning the Drumming Basics
- How to Play Drums: The Complete Guide for Beginners
- I will update if I use any other resources throughout the learning project
Here’s a photograph of my drum set:

Drumming Joke of the Week
A sheep, a drum and a snake all fell over. Baaa Dum Tsss..!
I love the joke at the end! I’ve always wanted to learn an instrument but I know nothing about music and I haven’t been patient enough to really dedicate myself to learning. I’m looking forward to seeing how your drumming goes!
This is awesome! I know a tiny bit of guitar and a tiny bit of piano, learning the drums should be fun! I can’t wait to see (and hear?) your progress over the semester!