New Addition to my Learning Resources

I watched Sign Language 101 Lesson 4 for my learning project this week. As discussed in my last learning project post I enjoy the videos, however, they give you a lot of content without any time to practice. So, I wanted to search for a website that helped me to practice my ASL learning. I decided to sign up for ASL Connect.

So far, I have enjoyed ASL Connect. The videos are free and the content is broken up into short little videos which I like. In their introduction video they discussed how in most other languages in order to understand you listen, but for ASL watching is so important, so their videos will not contain any audio as they want you to focus on watching. There are modules and within that, lessons. They show you a video of how to do a sign and then after usually three signs (which are all related to one another) they allow you to practice. After this they have a video of a person doing the signs that you just went over and then a live video of you next to it so you can see yourself practicing. I have a video of me practicing what they title “Personal Pronouns” below:

I also made a video of me saying “I’m hearing” when we got to practice. I wanted to show you as I think this is a very important phrase to know when speaking ASL, especially if you are learning, so the person you are talking to has a better understanding of where you are at. Watch me sign “I’m hearing below”:

After a few lessons they give you a chance to review. They have the prompt or question at the top and then have multiple videos of different signs, and you have to choose the correct sign. You can see my screenshot example of this below:

Overall, I hope to continue using this new website I found. I also think I will continue with Sign Language 101 as they give great tips and teach you a bit about deaf culture, which I think is so important. See you next week!

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